ZERO POVERTY BY 2030: Harvee Pene’s 3-year-old Havana is Set to Become the World’s Youngest TEDx Speaker

Harvee Pene
Harvee Pene

Havana Pene is the ‘miracle baby’ that doctors said Harvee may never have and now at the age of 3, she is on the track to become the world’s youngest TEDx speaker. Recently, Kiara Kaur, a 5-year-old Indo-American took the world by storm by becoming the world’s youngest TEDx speaker. Author at 8 and, a global TEDx speaker at 10, Ishita Katyal became the youngest Indian to deliver a talk at the TEDx Youth Conference in New York. Now Havana Pene, a mere 3-year-old little girl is set to break all records by becoming the world’s youngest ever TEDx speaker.

Daddy’s precious Havana, a Lindisfarne grammar student has authored a book about UN Global Goals called “ZERO POVERTY BY 2030” with her father Harvee, the founder of  Life Changing Accountants, best known for reaching 10+ Million Days of access to food, water, health and sanitation to families in need across 16 countries to help end poverty. He is a testicular cancer survivor, the global face of men’s health charity ‘Movember’ and is studying to become a doctor.  

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals and it’s now five years on, and we have more work than ever to do. These goals have the power to create a better world by 2030, by ending poverty, fighting inequality and addressing the urgency of climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.

Realizing and identifying the global goals, Harvee and little Havana have ventured on the journey of reaching the world and communicate the message through a children’s story book about the UN Global Goals. Imbibing the footprints of her father, who is two-time TEDx speaker and UN Global Goals Ambassador, baby Havana has also been invited to address the audience and share her moments with all of us. Harvee has undoubtedly carried forward his exceptional traits being reflected in Havana as a shadow that never leaves. 

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