Model Yulia Foxx Shares 5 Tips to Help Aspiring Models Build a Successful Career

Yulia Foxx
Yulia Foxx

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

The Russian fashion model Yulia Foxx, a stunning combination of beauty and brains, is using the fame she’s earning to make the world a better place. The young, passionate, vivacious and budding model, Foxx, is an icon for young girls who desire to make a mark in this ruthless world of high fashion modeling.

As she wades through the challenges in her career, the young Foxx shares some insight for wannabe models, inspiring them to rule the roost and rise like a Phoenix!

Embrace Your Uniqueness

A person who follows their dreams is worth their weight in gold. “I embrace my creative, artistic side, and this profession allows me to flourish in that aspect,” she says.

Have confidence in YOU

The less you worry about approval and acceptance, the better off you will be. “I’ve always been a free spirit and marched to the beat of my own drums,” she asserts. If you believe in yourself and feel confident in yourself, you can do anything.

March Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Building a modeling career takes time, effort, and dedication. “This specific career path also challenges me to step out of my comfort zone,” says Foxx. A model must be strong-minded and resilient to navigate the chaotic waters of this high-paced, ever-evolving, and fiercely competitive fashion industry.



“Learn to be more technologically inclined, since almost everything is now web-based,” says Foxx. Every day is a fashion show, and the world is the runway. As technology surges into the fashion industry with increasing popularity, there will be a parallel trend of syndicates considering a model’s online audience and followers on social media.

Keep Fit!

Take care of your skin, hair, body, and health. Like it or not, beauty and appearance are anchors in an aesthetically-driven industry. “I enjoy training at the gym, practicing yoga, meditation, and mindfulness,” shares Foxx. Looking and feeling your best will benefit you not only professionally but also personally.



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