Djk.o_ Tells us the Secret to Success


Djk.o also known as Ramon House is an American Disc Jockey and Fashion Designer . He was born and raised on the south side of Chicago, but moved to Oak Park, IL as a teenager, where he quickly developed a love for music and fashion. Previously, Ramon would be called a “weirdo” or seen as “different” because of the way he dressed; however, he was finally allowed to be himself in this new neighborhood. After graduating from Oak Park River Forest Highschool , Djk.o attended Northern Illinois University.  While attending Northern Illinois Djk.o started to develop a passion for Djing. This passion led to a career. While attending College Djk.o would  start to travel around Illinois to dj for money. With so much attention Djk.o_ decided he wanted to use his popularity and start another business. He started a clothing brand by the name of T3mple. After hard work and dedication his brand became one of the best brands in Chicago. He did collaborations with celebrities such as, Iman Shumpert, Queen Key, Swagg Dinero, Dlow, Chief Keef, and Gherbo.

“If you work smarter you won’t have to work as hard” – Djk.o_

Djk.o has found a way to incorporate his Music with his Fashion and it has been paying off for him.  After moving to Los Angeles California Djk.o is in the process of starting his own Record Label where he pans on signing more than just Musical Artist. Djk.o  plans on signing Artist and Designers to start his own fashion house. This will allow Djk.o to be the boss he is meant to be.

Djk.o_ has graduated from College and isn’t looking back. He received his degree in Education but has no plans on using his degree. He told us that college was just a place to network to get where he want to be.

“Everyday I had my friends and family ask me if I’m ever going to use my degree in education and it was hard telling them NO every time. I felt like I was letting my family down. I overcame this obstacle by treating my entrepreneurial life like a full time career and it started to pay off. I started DJing for more places and my clothing brand started to expand more,” Djk.o_ tells us.

Djk.o_ socials are as follows:

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