Event Centre Moves Forward without Plebiscite

A polite
A polite "Canadian Rally" with both sides out to share their views was held outside city hall.

event-centre-rallyTHUNDER BAY – Linda Rhydholm and Larry Hebert stood alone at the end of the debate. The Neebing Councillor had brought a resolution forward to Council last night seeking to take the issue of a plebiscite forward to the October Election ballot on the Event Centre.

After some very impassioned speeches, including a point where Councillor at Large Aldo Ruberto was halted briefly by meeting chair Westfort Councillor Virdiramo, every other member of council voted down the motion.

The question was called by McIntyre Councillor Trevor Giuruga who after the first round, stating that if he had to hear more on this issue around the Council Chamber he would ‘Go insane’, the motion to call the question was called, the vote passed and the debate was ended.

Council hear deputations from SHIFT Network, the leader of the Facebook Group supporting the waterfront event centre, and from Henry Wojack who was speaking against the Event Centre.

Wojack is planning to run for Mayor, and now that a ban on him being in city hall has been lifted, he will be free to file those papers.

Rally at City Hall

Earlier in the evening, at City Hall there were rallies by both sides of the issue outside expressing their support for their views. NetNewsLedger was there to gather some of the opinions.

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