5 Actionable Tips from the Thompson Family to Build a Booming Digital Career in 2021


The ambition to forge a career in the digital space is the modern version of prospecting for gold. It’s an insanely popular and immensely crowded environment, but if done right, it is immensely rewarding and impressively lucrative. Yet, not everyone who tries their hand and luck at the digital game strikes gold, and more than most return from the fray disappointed and dejected. The Thompson family is one of the few who have bucked the system, and thanks to TikTok, have seemingly effortlessly carved a successful place for themselves in the digital niche. Want to know their secret? Here are five actionable tips from the Thompson Family on how to build a booming digital career in 2021.

Become a brand.

The Thompson Family became a legitimately recognizable brand almost overnight. However, this wasn’t by accident, it was by design. The Thompsons point out, “To build a lucrative digital career, you need to stand out, and the best way to do that is to provide your audience something unique yet relatable. Identify your selling point, bottle it, and brand it, and your target audience will come running.”

Know your audience.

Like most brands, except for a few household names, the Thompson Family appeals to a certain demographic, and that’s why it’s so important to know your audience. They elaborated, “The digital space is huge, so you must know your niche and whom to target.”

Market and network.

There is no industry more connected than the digital industry, and that’s why the Thompsons firmly believe in the power of networking and marketing. They stressed, “People won’t be mystically drawn to your brand; you need to put yourself out there. Social media marketing and networking are the new word of mouth.”

Be dynamic.

In today’s world, it’s all about standing out and boasting a unique selling point, and there’s none better at understanding the dynamics of this than the Thompson Family. They explained, “You’ve got to have something special and a little bit of the ‘X Factor’ to cut it in today’s marketplace. Dig deep within yourself, ask yourself what your best attributes and most unique skills are, and then shine a spotlight on them.”

Stay social.

Without a sophisticated understanding of social media, your digital career will remain dead in the water. The Thompson Family has an instinctive knack when it comes to wielding the power of social media to their advantage, and they are keen to share it with others. They said, “You should become well versed in the art of running more than one social media account. If done effectively, it drives audiences to your brand and acts as a compelling call to arms. It is pretty much the secret power that will give your digital career wings.”

Here’s hoping you can take your social media career to the next level in 2021 by putting these actionable tips into practice.

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