The Blum Gallery Elevates How Los Angeles Is Depicted In Modern Day Art

Blum Gallery

The city of Los Angeles is nearly unrivaled on the world scale when it comes to topography, history, and culture.

Except for perhaps Paris, there is no cultural center more important to the western world

However, much of Los Angeles culture has been sequestered to a Hollywood portrayal, Tying up the city’s ethos with commercialized stereotypes and undermining the city’s true value

In an effort to restore LA’s place within heart and do justice to the city’s true sense of sophistication, class and beauty contemporary impressionist artist Deborah Blum has created a groundbreaking landscape collection that depicts Los Angeles in a more noble manner.

Critics are hailing Blum Gallery’s work as a modern check to the stigmatization of LA culture and a return of a more refined sensibility that imbues new pride into the modern day entertainment capital

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