Hotspot in Ontario: -5.5 °C 22.1 °F Point Petre
Coldspot in Ontario: -32.8 °C -27.0 °F Atikokan
Hotspot in Canada: 8.6 °C 47.5 °F Sheringham Point, BC
Coldspot in Canada: -46.8 °C -52.2 °F Rabbit Kettle, NT
THUNDER BAY – DAYSTARTER –Good morning Northwestern Ontario. The good news is there are no weather alerts or advisories to start this morning for the entire region. It is still cold out, but not as dangerously cold as it has been. The coldspot for Ontario is Atikokan at a (relatively winter balmy) -32.8 °C. For Thunder Bay at 06:30 it is -28°C.
What do you need to know?
Thunder Bay Fire Rescue was busy on Tuesday. A pair of residential structural fires happened. One on McGregor Avenue and the other last night on Fort William First Nation. Both fires are under investigation to determine their causes. Read the reports, McGregor Avenue Fire, and Fort William Fire Nation Fire.
Ebametoong First Nation – The uncertain future of a pristine area of Northern Ontario will be argued before three judges in Toronto on February 7-8th. Despite concerns raised by community members about impacts to the environment and Aboriginal and Treaty rights, in March 2016 Ontario’s Ministry of Northern Development and Mines issued mineral exploration permits to Landore Resources Inc. to drill for gold throughout a culturally and environmentally sensitive area. Chief Atlookan says, “The Keezhik and Miminiska Lakes areas are very special and important cultural areas for a large number of our members… As EFN, we recognize these family groups as being the stewards of these lands because they live there or spend seasons out on the land exercising their rights. They have always been part of that land. As we have heard throughout community meetings on this issue, there are burial grounds, birthplaces, cabins used by our families, sensitive spawning areas, and rich hunting grounds throughout the area staked by Landore. Read the full report.
DRYDEN – Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit is investigating the circumstances following an OPP traffic stop in Dryden that resulted in a man being arrested and later taken to the hospital. Full report here.
DRYDEN – SPORTS – Action is full and fun at the Lil Bands Hockey Tournament in Dryden.
THUNDER BAY – HEALTH – Officials at the Health Unit and St. Joseph’s Care Group have declared a facility-wide outbreak of a gastrointestinal illness at Bethammi Nursing Home located at 63 Carrie Street. Admissions, transfers, discharges and social activities have been canceled until further notice. Read our coverage.
SIOUX LOOKOUT – The Sioux Lookout Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) investigated ninety-eight calls for service from Friday, February 2 at 4:00 pm, to Monday, February 5, 2018, at 8 am. Full coverage.
Gas Up for Less
Fuel prices across the region range from $1.169 at the Safeway in Dryden, $1.244 at the Husky on Chipman Street in Kenora, In Thunder Bay, the lowest price in the city is $1.219 at Macs on Dawson Road. Out on the Fort William First Nation, gas prices range from $1.118 at K&A Variety to $1.139 at First Class Gas. You can get the latest gas prices, including Grand Marias MN at GasPrices on NetNewsLedger.
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