Thunder Bay Health Sciences Foundation Report
THUNDER BAY – Health News – The Foundation Board of Directors consists of a variety of individuals from different backgrounds, mostly outside the medical sciences field. While this allows us to provide an important community perspective in the work of the Foundation, it is equally important that we gain a solid understanding of the needs of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and its Regional partners in order to make informed decisions. As part of our ongoing education, the Board has a presentation at the start of each meeting. Often the presentation provides insight into some aspect of the Health Sciences Centre’s operations. For example, this fall we had the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal Engagement at the Health Sciences Centre. Other times we learn about new means of connecting with our generous donors including how e-Philanthropy and social media can help us communicate the Foundation’s message. These tools also help tell the Health Sciences Foundation’s story to a larger audience.
In addition to these presentations, we recently met with the Board of the Health Sciences Centre and key staff to explore longer term funding needs of the Health Sciences Centre as a first step in developing strategies to address those requirements. Continued engagement between the Foundation and all of our key clients, including the Research Institute and Regional partners, is an ongoing Foundation goal. We believe that engagement at all levels of our client organizations is critical to the success of the Foundation’s mission. As a volunteer Board of Directors, we share the passion of inspiring the people of Northwestern Ontario to give generously to enable the advancement of world class healthcare. We’re part of your Health Sciences Foundation because we know the difference donations make to healthcare that benefits the community, our families and friends.
The new linear accelerator at the Regional Cancer Centre is just one example of how donors, the Foundation, the Institutions and the healthcare providers all work together to make world-class patient care possible in Northwestern Ontario. Working with donors are the staff of the Health Sciences Centre who are outstanding professionals. We are helping provide the tools they need to do the best work possible. This new machine will improve care and drive forward leading-edge technology. Its installation is truly something to celebrate and, as donors, you should be very proud to be a major part of this step forward in care at the Health Sciences Centre.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and all the best for a healthy start to 2014. I am eagerly anticipating to our activities in the new year and, as our partners in funding exceptional health care in our communities, hope that you share this excitement!
Dave Knutson
Chair, Board of Directors
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation