THUNDER BAY – Police in Thunder Bay had a quieter day yesterday in terms of most crime. However officers were busy enforcing seatbelt and mobile phone infractions on drivers. In a statement, police say, “When you have training for about a dozen officers planned, but the plan falls apart for logistical reasons, what do you do? You do some very much needed cell phone and seat belt enforcement”.
“Two officers in plain clothes and a hand held radio were the spotters and the others were the stopping officers in a project that resulted in 41 tickets being issued yesterday afternoon in a short period of time. It definitely caught many drivers by surprise, with many complaining of the “unfair ” tactics.”
Police were also very busy on Thursday afternoon in the downtown south core. Police responded with a number of marked units for a reported assault incident.
Over the past twenty-four hours, Thunder Bay Police had an easier time, as wet cooler weather seemed to slow down criminal activity. There were fewer liquor calls which are listed under Quality of Life calls. There was one assault and two weapons offences responded to by police officers.

Police would like to remind all drivers that the efforts to enforce these laws will be similarly approached whenever the opportunity presents, and that the fine if convicted for a seat belt violation is $240.00 and a cell phone ticket amounts to $155.00
The time for warnings is long past. The public expects police to do the enforcement and we will be doing exactly that where possible.