THUNDER BAY – Politics – Last night Council ratified the 2013 City Budget. I would like to take this opportunity to provide some details on the budget.
2013 City Budget is the most important task facing Council
It sets the direction and priorities for the coming year. As a councilor I take this task very seriously, I listen, I analyze and I try to balance the interests of all the citizens of Thunder Bay.
The ratified budget will result in a municipal tax levy of $159.6 million, an increase of 2.6%or $4 million over 2012. Of the $4 million increase, approximately $3.1 million is dedicated to capital infrastructure spending on repairing roads and other key assets.
Council made the conscientious decision to increase infrastructure spending in order to deal with the infrastructure deficit. Council is listening to constituents as this continues to be one of the top issues identified in the City of Thunder Bay citizen survey.
Water rates will increase in 2013 by 7.1%, and wastewater charges remain unchanged at 75% of the total water fixed cost and volumetric charge, representing an increase of $59 for the average residential customer. This rate increase is lower than many other municipalities – Guelph and London 8%, Kingston and Cambridge 9.5 % and Toronto 9%.
There are number of very exciting capital projects scheduled for the Current River ward and city this year …..
- $ 250 000 Urban Forest Master Plan
- $ 375 000 BoulevardLake Bottom Clean Up Program
- $ 715 000 BoulevardLakeDam Structural Repairs
- $ 183 000 Boulevard Lake Parking lot
- $ 850 000 Trowbridge Fall bridge replacement
Road re-surfacing/rehabilitation projects this year will include: Toledo St., Ruttan St., Rita St., parts of Cumberland St.
Again, it continues to be a pleasure serving you at City Hall. Please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at 766 9914 or by email at afoulds@thunderbay.ca.
Andrew Foulds
CurrentRiver Ward