Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) drugs side effects vs safe Thermobalancing treatment


Urologists usually prescribe risky drugs and surgery to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), while Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device for Prostate Treatment have proven efficacy and safety in stopping prostate enlargement.

Using Dr Allen’s Device in men with an enlarged prostate dramatically reduces lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH.

How the therapy works can be found in a scientific article, “Innovative Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively”, published by the leading publisher Springer Nature, This study explains that unique therapy utilises the naturally emitted body heat for reducing the abnormal size of the enlarged prostate – BPH.

Are medications and surgery necessary for BPH?

First, prostate enlargement or BPH is a non-cancerous chronic condition that does not require urgent attention.

Secondly, side effects and complications after long-term medications and any surgery, including minimally invasive, are very common in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. They cause depression and new health problems.

  1. α1-blockers group cause abnormal ejaculation, dizziness, asthenia and even dementia.
  2. 5α-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) decrease libido and can cause gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, impotence, and even diabetes.

Thirdly, a medical article: Benign prostatic hyperplasia and kidney stone disease thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device: key to successful ageing without medications, surgery and risky exposure to coronavirus, published in peer-reviewed journal, explains that Dr Allen’s Device reduces the size of enlarged prostate and dissolves kidney stones naturally promoting healthy aging.

What men should know about prostate enlargement

  • Prostate enlargement or BPH is non-cancerous and non-life-threatening condition. Therefore, it must be treated safely in the first place.
  • The prostate gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. As the prostate enlarges, the gland presses against and pinches the urethra. This causes irritating urination problems that require attention and treatment.
  • An enlarged prostate – BPH is very common condition and the risk of having BPH increases as men get older. By age 60, over one-half of men have BPH, and up to 90 percent of men older than 80.
  • BPH drugs, surgeries are risky. They do not treat the affected prostate gland itself but try to relieve the symptoms and in long-term can lead to new health problems.
  • Thermobalancing therapy improves blood circulation in the prostate removing the cause of BPH, stopping prostate enlargement and the irritating symptoms.

Dr Allen’s Device can prevent anxiety in men with BPH

Dr Allen’s Device is a class 1 medical device and is registered with the Medical Healthcare Regulatory Agency in United Kingdom since 2010. So, every man with BPH can use it day and night without worrying. The device is safe.

The use of Thermobalancing therapy in men with an enlarged prostate can prevent the development of anxiety by reducing urinary symptoms and the need for drugs and surgeries. Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device was patented by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This is compelling evidence that this is a completely new treatment for an enlarged prostate.

Fine Treatment is a healthcare company, a manufacturer and distributor of wearable therapeutic Dr Allen’s Device. Fine Treatment. Dr Allen’s device is the most cost-effective solution as its price is less than $200, including delivery worldwide.



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