Common Reasons People Call 911

Thunder Bay Police Service 911

You might hear on the news reports of people calling 911 for various reasons. While some of these calls may be out of the ordinary, there are common reasons why people might call emergency services. Below are some of the many newsworthy and not-so-newsworthy reasons some people might call 911 for help.

For Help With Depressive Thoughts

According to the Public Policy Institute of California, peace officers in the state of California are required to be at least 21 years old and have some life experience and education. This makes them more qualified to help people in distress who may be dealing with intense feelings of depression and even thoughts of suicide. If someone is feeling like they are in crisis, they can call 911 and have an officer come out to ensure they get the help they need.

If you ever feel like you are in a state of distress, call 911 and get the help you need. If you are with someone who is in a state of distress, you can also call 911 to have an officer come out and provide assistance.

For Medical Emergencies

When there is a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke, it is important to get help right away. Calling 911 can ensure that trained professionals arrive quickly to provide medical care and stabilize the patient. Common medical conditions that might warrant people calling 911 include chest pain, difficulty breathing, severe bleeding, seizures, and more.

In the United States, people can call 911 if they are in a mental health crisis or need help with someone who is in a mental health crisis. This could include situations when someone is behaving erratically or dangerously due to an untreated mental illness.

For Break-Ins

There are an average of 2.5 million break-ins per year, with over 65% of those break-ins being home burglaries. Many people feel unsafe and vulnerable after a break-in and may call 911 to have an officer come out right away. If you are the victim of a break-in or witness one, be sure to call 911 immediately so that police can arrive on the scene as soon as possible. They can help secure the property and apprehend the suspect(s).

For Dangerous Driving Situations

Dangerous driving situations can be scary and unpredictable. Many people call 911 if they witness someone driving erratically, under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or engaging in other dangerous behaviors behind the wheel. If you notice a driver behaving dangerously or recklessly on the road, you can call 911 for help. There are approximately 6.75 million car accidents yearly in the US alone according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Some people also call 911 if they feel like their own safety is in danger, such as when someone is following them or harassing them on the road.

For Fire Emergencies

When there is a fire emergency, it’s important to get help right away. Calling 911 can ensure that firefighters arrive quickly to contain and extinguish the blaze and get people out of danger. Common fire emergencies that might warrant people calling 911 include a blaze in the home, smoke coming from an electrical outlet or appliance, and signs of arson.

No matter what the emergency is, it’s important to call 911 as soon as possible so that help can arrive quickly and safely. In many cases, being able to get help right away can make the difference between life and death. When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and call 911. You never know when you or someone else might need emergency help, so it’s important to be prepared and know how to contact emergency services when needed.

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