Northwest Fire Region – August 20, 2021 – Wildfire Update

Wildfire Update

Thunder Bay – Wildfire Update – At the time of this update, there were 98 active fires in the northwest region. A total of 13 fires are not under control, four fires are being held, 17 fires are under control and 64 fires are being observed. Six fires were called out today.  

Northwest Region 

  • Two new fires were discovered in the northwest region by the late afternoon of Aug. 20.
    • Fort Frances 145 is located near Steccno lake, approximately 39 kilometres east/northeast of Atikokan. The 0.4 hectare fire is not under control.
    • Fort Frances 146 is located near Nemiman Lake, approximately 50 kilometres east/northeast of Atikokan. The 0.4 hectare fire is not under control.
  • The wildland fire hazard is high to extreme in Fort Frances, Dryden, Kenora and Thunder Bay sectors as well as the southern portions of Red Lake, Sioux Lookout and Nipigon sectors. Hazard conditions in the far north range from low to moderate due to recent rainfall.
  • To see the fire hazard near you, check the interactive fire map at

Fires of Note
Kenora 51 – 200,667 hectares – not under control

  • Reports from the fire on Friday afternoon indicate heavy rain has entered the area.
  • Crews have nearly finished dismantling values protection equipment that was previously established in Wabaseemoong as evacuees return.
  • Heavy equipment has completed fireguard to the east and south of the fire.
  • Kenora 51 remains 20 km north of Wabaseemoong on the northern side of Umfreville Lake. Fire behaviour has been minimal in the south and west portions of the fire area.
  • Additional crews continue to be cycled in and placed on the fire line to continue with suppression efforts replacing those who require rest days.

Red Lake 51 – Being Observed – 53,522 ha

  • Red Lake 51’s status changed to being observed.
  • Fire is currently smoldering with several new smokes detected with some open flame.
  • Crews continue to mop up smokes on the north west corner and are making good progress on the eastern flank to the south east.
  • Demobilization of values protection equipment in the community of Deer Lake is complete.
  • Fire is currently smoldering with no new growth.

Red Lake 65 –Being Observed – 20, 254 ha

  • Red Lake 65’s status has changed to being observed.
  • Priorities are focused on consolidation of eastern flank control lines and patrolling for hotspots, east of Stout Lake.
  • FireRangers are continuing to make progress extinguishing hotspots.
  • Demobilization of values protection equipment in the community of Deer Lake is complete

Red Lake 77 – Not Under Control – 32, 799 ha

  • This fire has experienced some increased fire activity over the past couple of days primarily on the western flank; wet weather moving into the area in the next day should help in the containment of this fire.
  • The western flank of RED77 is showing more active fire behaviour with open flame and torching FireRangers moved on the hotspots and open flame from this area quickly yesterday.
  • Infrared scanning continues overnight.
  • Fireguard east of the fire is complete

Restricted Fire Zone in effect

Due to the high to extreme forest fire hazard, the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry is maintaining a Restricted Fire Zone in Kenora, Fort Frances, Thunder Bay (excluding Wabakimi Provincial Park) and Dryden Districts, and southern portions of Sioux Lookout and Red Lake Districts.  The Restricted Fire Zone is in effect until further notice. Outdoor fires are banned. Portable gas stoves may still be used BUT must be handled with extreme care. You can learn more about Restricted Fire Zones here. For a more detailed boundary of the Restricted Fire Zone, consult the interactive fire map at or the map here.

Updated restrictions due to forest fire activity in the Red Lake District  

(Effective August 21 at 00:01)

Due to extreme forest fire activity, the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Red Lake District advises that an updated Implementation Order is now in effect until further notice that restricts access and use of certain lakes, Provincial Parks, Conservation Reserves and Crown lands.

All access to the following areas is prohibited unless authorized by a travel permit issued by the Red Lake District NDMNRF.

All modes of travel/access onto Storey Lake, Philip Lake, Pringle Lake (including Dedicated Protected Areas), and the North shore of Nungesser Lake at RED 68 fire perimeter as well as Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, Eagle Snowshoe Conservation Reserve, Little Grand Rapids Protected Area, Lake Country, Protected Area and all Crown land as outlined in the hatched area identified on the Implementation order map are prohibited.

For information on travel permits call 807-727-1345.
To view a map of the implementation order area at click here.

Restrictions due to forest fire activity in the Kenora District

The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Kenora District, is advising the public that due to extreme forest fire activity from the Kenora 51 fire, an Implementation Order is now in effect until further notice.

All travel, use and access to the following areas are prohibited unless authorized by a travel permit issued by the Kenora District Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry.

This includes all travel and use of the English River Road, north of the Conifer Road junction, and all travel on the Werner Lake Road from the Manitoba Border eastward to the end of the road.

All use of Lakes and waterways accessible from the North shore of Umfreville Lake, the north shore of the Sturgeon River and the north shore of Salvesen Lake, is prohibited.

For information on how to obtain a travel permit please call 807-468-2501.


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