Marshall Mosher on how VR adventure experiences alleviated pandemic-related isolation

Marshall Mosher on how VR adventure experiences alleviated pandemic-related isolation
Marshall Mosher on how VR adventure experiences alleviated pandemic-related isolation

Virtual reality or VR is the hot cake of technology. VR has gone beyond video games and entertainment, and is now used in design, engineering, and the sciences fields. Marshall Mosher has applied this exciting field to yet another industry.

After participating in a startup program by creating adaptive VR environments triggered by heart rates, Mosher combined this experience with his passion for public health and action sports to found Vestigo. This VR startup was designed to connect people, especially during the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mosher is developing some exciting projects, including virtually recreating the world’s most intense adventures. Perhaps the most anticipated program is the crazy realistic Everest crevasse crossing

Vestigo’s application of VR in the workplace is making waves. They use VR technology to help organizations learn how to get through tough situations, bond with co-workers, and enhance their problem-solving skills.

An intense trust-building exercise is walking the plank. The team member in a VR headset walks a virtual plank with open space around them. Their co-workers verbally direct and support that person to empower them to get to the end of the plank and take a leap off the end. Another training tool involves a user following the directions of co-workers to diffuse a virtual time bomb before the timer runs out. Mosher says that this exercise was designed to sharpen communication skills when time is of the essence.

Though it is a very young business, Vestigo has attracted clients like CNN, Microsoft, and Home Depot. Thanks to its innovative training methods, Mosher’s company can help employees adapt to almost any work environment. As the pandemic has led to people working from home, team building is important to keep companies afloat during these strange times. Mosher has presented a brilliant way of doing this, and it brings a level of excitement to what could otherwise be a mundane effort.

The University of Georgia alumni has a passion for giving back to his community. He was the vice president of the UGA Student Government Association and a guide for the organization’s outdoor recreation program. An avid sportsman, Mosher helped students overcome their limitations through outdoor adventures as a guide for the UGA Outdoor Rec program. He promotes a mindset of peak performance and innovation through adventures and sports.

Mosher’s method of applying this to VR is nothing short of extraordinary. In addition to using the technology for business training, Vestigo has created environments to help people feel more connected to the world even during quarantine. You can cave dive, climb Mt Everest, and free solo Yosemite’sHalf Dome without leaving your home.

While VR is designed to trick one’s brain into believing that the experiences are real, Vestigo designs virtual environments so detailed that they multiply the sense of reality. Proving to be an authority in this digital frontier, Marshall Mosher has quickly made an enviable name for himself and his remarkable company.

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