Don’t wait to get doomed with your future 9 to 5 office job. Learn how to make wildly profitable businesses online from this successful young entrepreneur.
Advertising has greatly shifted from heavy dependence on the usage of traditional media to extensive usage of online social media platforms. The message stream of many advertisers has also changed comprehensively from a one-way messaging flow to interactive communication between advertisers and consumers. And instead of appealing to a mass audience, advertisers are now appealing to niche audiences to send their messages directly to their target audiences. All these great breakthroughs in advertising have made it easier for advertisers to plan, design, and implement adverts and surely get positive, even profitable results. One individual who has championed the usage of these advances is the successful young entrepreneur, Lucas Lee-Tyson.
Lucas Lee-Tyson learned about affiliate marketing at the age of 15. Knowing that a typical 9 to 5 job is never gonna be a good fit for him and realizing that the future of making money is gonna be online, he started trying out a variety of online business models while in college. He tried trading stocks, dropshipping, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, and a few more but none of them worked out in making him a handsome amount of income.
Getting close to his college graduation without any successful business model, Lucas Lee-Tyson discovered the “Agency” business model and started landing clients. This business model worked out as this did not require him to start from scratch. He proudly made over 6 figures in his first year using just his laptop and phone inside the 4 corners of his dorm room.
Earning his first dollar online through YouTube videos ranking in 2013 and landing his first high-ticket client who paid him $6,000 to set up his Facebook Ad campaigns motivated Lucas to push forward even further. Plus realizing that his office job will make him even more miserable in the next 40-60 years of his life, Lucas decided at that point that he needed to hone his craft in online advertising even more.
Evolving from just providing marketing campaign management for clients, Lucas Lee-Tyson then took his business further and founded Growth Cave built and designed to provide training courses, consultations, and workshops on advertising, marketing, and sales to hopeful entrepreneurs aspiring to start and grow their businesses online. Lucas officially hit the $1 million revenue mark in 2020 and is currently targeting to cross the $5 million mark by the end of 2021.
According to Lucas, you don’t need to get stuck overthinking about all the business information you gather online, rely on more YouTube video tutorials, or read more online blogs from successful business owners, you just need to focus on a business model you think you’ll do great at and just get started.
Get access to his free online training courses by visiting growthcave.com. Also, always be updated and follow Lucas’ Facebook Page facebook.com/lucasmleetyson, Twitter Account @lucasleetyson, Instagram page instagram.com/lucasleetyson, and connect with him on his LinkedIn page Lucas Lee-Tyson – Founder & CEO – Growth Cave.