LONDON – HEALTH – Having a great smile does give you a boost of confidence that you need when you are meeting someone you want to impress or you are presenting a business proposal to your colleagues and other superiors. A great smile starts with taking good care of your oral hygiene and making sure that your teeth get the proper dental treatment that they deserve. If you don’t want to have any restorative procedures done just yet, there are certainly many ways that you can achieve healthy teeth and a great smile. Here are five tips for enhancing your smile.
- Brighten and Whiten Your Teeth
We experience so many great things in life that make us smile and laugh but we hold back because we don’t have the perfect teeth. To brighten and whiten your teeth, start by using a toothpaste that has a whitening agent. Use it regularly to achieve even color. There are other products that you can use to aid with the brightening process including whitening gel or whitening strips. Ask for a whitening treatment during one of your visits to your dentist.
- Use Clip-in Veneers
Clip-in veneers are truly remarkable innovation that lets you enjoy having perfect teeth without the need for any painful surgery. This type of veneers can be used to hide any imperfection and give you shiny, well-sculpted and healthy-looking teeth so you will never have to worry about having a great smile. It is extremely easy and very much accessible. The first thing you do is to take an impression of your teeth. You can order a kit that contains all the materials that you need to create a mold of your teeth and gum. Once you’re done, you can send it back and wait for a couple of weeks for the new teeth to arrive. If you are not that confident, you can ask your personal dentist about it.
- Use Bonding Material
If you don’t feel confident with your smile because of a chipped, cracked or stained tooth, then you might want to visit your dentist and get a recommendation on the best bonding treatment. It’s a great repair that can be completed within a single visit. By the time it’s finished, you’re all ready and confident to face the day. With proper care and maintenance, bonding can last for a couple of years.
- Drink Less Acidic or Sugary Beverages
Drinking sodas, juices, coffees, and teas for a long period of time without proper oral hygiene and habitual teeth cleaning treatment can take its toll in your teeth. When your teeth start to stain, you’ll feel less confident to smile or even talk. Try to avoid sugary drinks and opt for water instead.
- Use Braces
Braces are commonly used for correcting crowded or crooked teeth. A lot of people go to orthodontists to have their teeth checked andmstart wearing braces when they are younger to have enough time to fix any misalignment in your teeth and jaws. While you may feel awkward smiling with braces on, you will get used to it after some time. Once you take them off, you can definitely feel the difference not just in your teeth but your smile as well.