THUNDER BAY – CIVIC – Claudio Monteleone states, “I believe that the Multi-Plex Convention Centre is a great idea for our community and it should be built. The reality is that the current Fort William Gardens only has ten to twenty years of good life left in it. If we wait for development of a new centre later on, not only will it cost a great deal more, but the upkeep of the current centre will also be costly. We have an opportunity to move forward if this project is done properly. I have faith in the local business community and the citizens of our community to see that this project becomes a reality. The economic impact to our community will be great for many years after the centre is built for our local retailers, local restaurants and the various local service businesses. The immediate impact on economy is job creation during the building phase and more local business development. We have an opportunity to do something great for community and I will always support positive development.”
Monteleone has thrown his support behind the development of the proposed new Multi-plex Convention Centre.
Monteleone states “I will support the development of the Multi-use building (Multi-Plex and Convention Centre) that is being proposed if funding is secured from both levels of government, if the project will benefit the community as a whole, if the proposed project will not cause and create municipal property taxes to increase, and does not cause other community programs to be cut”.
Monteleone states, “We could make the Multi-Plex a reality if we plan and work on the project in a diligent manner and communication with the various community businesses and citizens is constantly done. He will work with all levels of government to see that this project gets the proper funding and support it needs”.
Claudio Monteleone is a local business owner which operates a marketing and media company. He has been self-employed for more than 20 years. He deals with local businesses every day and understands the local business environment. Claudio was educated at The University of Toronto and Lakehead University where he studied economics, business administration, and corporate and labour law. Claudio is a member of many local organizations such as The Waterfront BIA, The Lakehead Rotary Club and The Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce. Claudio wants to see our community move forward and see positive development and initiatives take place in Current River and our city as a whole.