THUNDER BAY – ENVIRONMENT – About 300 fully equipped rain barrels were delivered this morning, and are now for sale at just $65. A limited number of $20 discounts for City of Thunder Bay municipal water customers are still available, bringing the price down to $45. Proof of a water account in good standing is required, and there is a limit of one discount per household. There is no limit on the number of rain barrels at the regular price.
“We have a range of colours available now,” added Mortfield, “including terra cotta, grey, blue and red. Accessories including wooden stands, supply hoses and eavestrough diverters are also in stock.”

The rain barrels are offered for sale at EcoSuperior, at 562 Red River Road (at the corner of Red River and Hill Street).
Each barrel holds 220 liters, and come fully equipped with spigot, overflow hose, screened mosquito-proof lid and complete installation instructions.
The rain barrels are part of the City of Thunder Bay Wise Water Use program which includes Canada Water Week, the Water Bar, school presentations and other outreach initiatives. The program is funded by the City of Thunder Bay and delivered by EcoSuperior.
During an average rainstorm (1 inch in 24 hours) more than 2700 litres (about 700 gallons) of water runs off the roof of a typical home. In most cases, that water quickly pours out of downspouts, down the driveway or across the lawn, and into city streets, carrying with it loads of pollutants and contaminants from pet waste, to vehicle fluids and fertilizers. Water that goes down the street drains flows through storm sewers directly into our creeks and rivers that feed Lake Superior.
EcoSuperior is a non-profit organization with a mandate to deliver programs to encourage environmental stewardship throughout the Lake Superior basin. They are open Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 4:30 and cash, cheque or debit are accepted for payment. More information about rain barrels is available at www.ecosuperior.org .