- Addiction remains an issue. Needles are handed out in large numbers, and often left in along streets and alleys.
Safety Tips for Syringes as Snow Melts
THUNDER BAY – It is spring. The calendar says so. In Thunder Bay as downtown sidewalk snowbanks start to melt, that means watching out for used needles.
Superior Points are, if you will excuse the expression, on the point for cleaning up needles.
The Superior Points Harm Reduction Program is involved in a variety of outreach services including:
- Offering needle/syringe exchange and other harm reduction services, including
providing condoms and sterile water. - Providing HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C prevention education to clients.
- Counseling and referral to other agencies.
- Providing presentations to community agencies and the general public.
Syringe Safety
Superior Points offers these tips on how to safely get rid of found needles:
• Do not try to put the cap back on the needle. Do not snap, break or bend any part of the needle.
• Pick the needle up carefully. Use tongs, needle-nosed pliers or a gloved hand. Put the needle in a hard PLASTIC container
(peanut butter, pop, water). Seal it tightly and label it ‘Needle’. Do not use a glass container as it could break.
• Call Superior Points at 625-8831 or 625-7996 to pick up the needle(s). You can also drop
off the container at any yellow needle collection box. Call Superior Points to find one near you.
You can also call Superior Points if you are concerned about found needles. If you leave a message, please give as many details as possible and include a contact phone number for follow-up.
If you find a syringe, you can call Superior Points, and they will come out and clean it up for you. The telephone number is (807) 625-8831.