Thunder Bay City Hall Sounds Bring Life to Fort William Business District
THUNDER BAY – City Hall was extra busy today as City Hall Sounds kicked off a four week run of live music and art. The goal is building safer neighbourhood. “Ensuring public spaces are well-used and vibrant is a powerful way to build safe communities,” commented Crime Prevention Coordinator Amy Siciliano.
Tom Walters, Chairman of the Crime Prevention Council says one of the goals in this is effort is having neighborhoods where people get to know each other.

At City Hall today, Robin Ranger, was offering a relaxing noon-time musical interlude that generated very positive comments from the growing audience of participants.
Also on hand were the Community Arts and Heritage Foundation Project (Cahep), Eco Superior, and Roots to Harvest.
Councillor Paul Pugh and Lynda Rydholm were on hand offering their support as well. Linda Bruins from Evergreen is ever enthusiastic force behind Evergreen a United Neighbourhood, and helping to make neighbourhoods in Thunder Bay better places for all residents.

Roots to Harvest was selling fresh produce at very affordable prices. A bag of locally grown fresh potatoes was only $1.50. Peas were $1.50 too but sold out quickly.
On hand to offer delicious food for lunch was one of Thunder Bay’s new Food Trucks.