Camp Quality Northwest Wraps Up 2013

Camp Quality
Mad Hatter Tea Party Organizers Kathy and Meagen.
Camp Quality
Mad Hatter Tea Party Organizers Kathy and Meagen.

THUNDER BAY – Alice in Wonderland is the theme of Day 6 at Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario . As the Mad Hatter said, “ There is a place, Like no other place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery and danger! Some say to survive it : You need to be as mad as a hatter. Which luckily I am !

We, the volunteers at Camp Quality, wear many hats! Our volunteers range in age from 18- 75. They have rearranged their lives for this week, devoting holidays, time off without pay or came out of retirement to work harder than they ever have in their life!

Families, pets, gardens, and sports teams are doing without them this week.

In a quick survey this morning, I found out what businesses are missing their employees for this week: Balmoral Dental Designs, Bootlegger, Caribou Restaurant, Chapples Golf Course, Dave Repay Productions, E.R.B. Transport, Fort William Historical Park , Fresh Air , GNC – General Nutrition Center, Halfway Motors/Carstar, Health Canada- First Nations Health Branch, Lakehead Public Schools, Learn to Swim, Lifeguarding at Sandy Beach, Little Angels Daycare, McDonalds Restaurants, NorMaxx Financial Group, Our Kids Count, Porter /United Airlines, Premier Royalty, Re/Max, Shoppers Home Health Care, Slate River Veterinary Services, Sport Chek, Subway, The Foundry , The Keg, Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre, Thunder Bay Research Institute, Tim Hortons, Tony & Adams and Whitewater Golf Course.

Our plans for Thursday were disrupted because of the rain.  We had so looked forward to a tennis tournament led by Jerry Stitt and family, and a soccer game and fishing with the Thunder Bay Police. Instead crafts were made, log books to sign, surveys to complete. Everyone knows it’s the last full day and there is no sense of urgency for it to end.  A few members of the Thunder Bay Police Services joined us for dinner attired in their best hats. They brought with them Fishing gear and gifts for the campers.

Our Thunder Bay Police Service friends hanging out with Denver the paramedic.
Our Thunder Bay Police Service friends hanging out with Denver the paramedic.

We enjoyed a Mad Hatters tea party. This evening was awards, karaoke and fireworks between the rain drops.   Friday the parents arrive and before you know it is over but the cleanup.

Campers and volunteers that have been here 5 years.
Campers and volunteers that have been here 5 years.

Campers and volunteers that have been here 10 years.
Campers and volunteers that have been here 10 years.

Volunteer extraordinaire awards presented by Gladys Berringer to Jean Stewart, June Hodgins, Randy Turk and Carol Mack.
Volunteer extraordinaire awards presented by Gladys Berringer to Jean Stewart, June Hodgins, Randy Turk and Carol Mack.

Quinten Campbell Spirit  Award presented to Braeden Fediuk
Quinten Campbell Spirit Award presented to Braeden Fediuk

 We have much to be thankful for this week: the perseverance to keep this ship afloat despite the weather and facility challenges, the friendship and love for one another during difficult times, the ability to support each other when the work load gets too unbalanced, the trust that the parents of these wonderful campers put in us to let them go on this adventure with us, year after year. 

Thanks TBaytel and NetNewsledger for making this Blog possible!


Camp Quality Northwest Blog

This is the second year that has hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. We are pleased to support the work of Clara, the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer. When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.
Camp Quality will be connected this year by Tbaytel with Internet from East Loon Lake at the Thunder Bay United Church Camp Duncan.
Tbaytel Network

Find out more: Camp Quality

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