THUNDER BAY – Healthbeat – It was standing room only on October 12, 2012 at The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre auditorium where people had a rare opportunity to hear from one of Canada’s top chefs and the dynamic host of the Food Network’s popular show, Pitchin’ In. Lynn was in town for the Celebrity Chef Event, presented by the partners Thunder Bay and Gillons’ Insurance.
With humour and passion, Lynn Crawford shared her stories and cooking philosophies at a free public talk in the morning. Afterwards, she was busy signing copies of her cookbook ‘Pitchin’ In: More Than 100 Great Recipes from Simple Ingredients.’ And although there was a long line to meet Lynn and get a signed copy of the book, she took a few moments with each person to chat and even pose for photographs.
In the afternoon, after a tour of the Health Sciences Centre and visits with a few lucky patients, Lynn headed to the kitchen, where she began dinner preparations with the staff from Nutrition and Food Services. On the menu for that evening: roasted carrot soup, beet and goat cheese salad, with greens from Belluz Farms, Ontario pork chops with apple-thyme chutney and for dessert a pear upside-down cake with caramel sauce.
The evening’s dinner was hosted by both Andrée Robichaud, President and CEO, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Glenn Craig, President and CEO, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation.
“I was delighted to have Lynn Crawford join us at this unique Thunder Bay event and am grateful to the staff in Nutrition and Food Services who worked alongside Chef Lynn to prepare a wonderful meal,” said Robichaud. Added Craig, “What made this event so special was that it catered to those who love food and cooking and highlighted the local produce we have here in the Northwest. Of course, we’re very grateful that this glamorous evening also raised funds to ensure that we are healthier together. ”
As David Knutson, Chair, Board of Directors, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation explained, “The support of guests at the Celebrity Chef event allows the Health Sciences Centre to make ongoing improvements to its chronic disease prevention and management programs. For example, our cardiac catheterization labs were recently able to purchase an intravascular ultrasound that allows the interventional cardiologist to get a 360 degree view inside the vessel and measure blood flow. This equipment has allowed patients to remain in Northwestern Ontario for leading-edge treatment.”
Many of the ingredients for the evening’s meal came from local farmers and growers. Anyone familiar with Lynn’s television show knows that Lynn is an advocate for eating local. She is encouraged by the recent increase in people’s awareness about where our food comes from.
For those who find a total shift to making nutritious choices overwhelming, Lynn said a sudden lifestyle change is unrealistic. “It isn’t about 100 % change. It’s about slowly introducing change into your daily routine. The right choices are the best choices.”
Lynn said she was happy to be in Thunder Bay as part of an event that supports “wonderful nutrition, healthy dining and education.” “I’m excited to be in a community that is so driven by positive change,” said Lynn.
By Donna Faye and Heather Vita