New Delhi singer song writer Gaurang Oberoi with music kicked off when he was just 19 years old with his debut song with Maera Mishra


Song: Main Hoon Tum Ho.
Million Views on YouTube

when did you decide that you want to become a singer ‘so when I was just 5 years old I used to observe the way of singing of the legends of all times but still was a kid so one day my father asked me to sing in a family gathering so I sang and then when everybody clapped I was jumping out of joy and I decided that I want to sing for everyone in this world and that how I got into the craft of singing
I wrote the song I used to call them poems because I was just 10 years old

Gaurang was just 19 years old when he wrote his first song which he released he decided to open a music Lable, Oberoi Music.

He is raised by a single mother his father expired when he was just 10 years old
he has an elder sister
Mother – Pooja Oberoi is a fashion designer at Lable Saahiba Oberoi
Sister – Saahiba Oberoi is a well-known makeup artist and she is the owner of Lable Saahiba Oberoi
Father – late Sanjay Oberoi
Height – 6.1
Favorite color – white

He was in Ryan international school and was very naughty as a kid
And used to participate in every choir in his school
He gave his first live performance with the Swastik band at the age of 14 in Manali
His first song was mixed mastered and produced by a Bollywood music producer Aman Moroney
And the video was directed by Regan Dadu a well-known director in Punjab

By what he says his second song is coming soon and is a pop song.

For more updates, you can follow him on his social media handle: Oberoigaurang

Publicist: Brand Box Digital Media

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