Get the Perfect Cheeks without Surgery through Kardashian Doc, Dr. Simon Ourian


Get the perfect cheeks without the surgery downtime using non-surgical cheek contouring technique by the celebrity dermatologist, Dr. Simon Ourian.

Cheeks are one of the most dominant features of the face and reflect the beauty and radiance of the skin. Cheeks are a remarkable facial feature for men and women alike, but not everyone is born with this coveted feature. With age, cheeks lose their elasticity and may appear saggy or droopy. To make your skin look more radiant and young, traditional body shaping methods such as exercise and a healthy diet cannot help achieve these results. Cosmetic procedures are your savior when it comes to cheek contouring and other facial procedures. Women and men unsatisfied with their natural cheekbones and the appearance of their cheeks may opt for cheek contouring procedures to get high chiseled cheeks.

How does non-surgical cheek contouring work?

There are various ways to add volume to your cheeks and make them more defined and contoured. Cheek implants and cheek fillers are some of the most common procedures popular to achieve facial aesthetic results. Non-surgical cheek contouring using dermal fillers is considered a superior method of regaining the volume of high cheekbones.

Neustem dermal fillers are semi-permanent skin fillers used to fill the depressions on the skin and add volume to the areas to give a more luminous and youthful glow to the skin. Dr. Simon Ourian uses his proprietary filler formula – Neustem, which is developed exclusively for his clinic in Beverly Hills and used for numerous facial aesthetic procedures.

The minimally invasive procedure performed by Dr. Simon Ourian uses Neustem dermal fillers, which are injected into the cheekbones to enhance their appearance. Cheek contouring by Neustem dermal filler can provide your face with its deprived volume, balance and sculpted youthful vitality.

The Neustem dermal fillers are strategically injected in the mid-face region and can help restore a youthful appearance. Your cheeks and areas around the mouth ‘pop’ to accentuate your features. Another added benefit of the Neustem dermal filler is the balanced look of your face. Cheek contouring can help correct asymmetry and give a balanced look.

Non-Surgical Facial Contouring by Dr. Simon Ourian

Results and recovery time of cheek contouring 

The typical procedure of non-surgical cheek contouring does not require any downtime. Some patients might feel a bit sore or stiff around the area where the products are injected. Temporary redness and mild swelling may be seen immediately after the procedure, but it subsides after a few hours.

The exact results may vary according to the skin type and the areas treated. Non-surgical cheek contouring is the best option to achieve longer-lasting results with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Why choose Epione? 

Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon for your facial aesthetic procedures is essential if you want to achieve the desired results without any complications and problems. Celebrity dermatology doctor Dr. Simon Ourian and his professional staff at Epione Beverly Hills are well-versed with Neustem dermal fillers and ensure that every client remains comfortable throughout the treatment and gets the desired results.

Whether you want sculpted cheekbones or wish to reverse the aging signs, Dr. Ourian’s exclusive Neustem formula is the solution to all your concerns.

Visit Dr. Simon Ourian at Epione Beverly Hills today to get sculpted higher cheekbones without the need for surgery. Schedule an appointment to get Neustem dermal fillers for adding volume to your cheeks with the Kardashian’s favorite doctor, Dr. Ourian.


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