Fort Frances Weather Outlook Cloudy Skies with a Chance of Snow or Rain Today

Fort Frances Weather Desk

Current Weather in Fort Frances: Risk of Freezing Rain

Fort Frances starts the day at 0°C with cloudy skies.

Today’s Forecast (Wednesday):

  • The day will be mostly cloudy.
  • There’s a 40% chance of snow or rain this morning, with a risk of freezing rain.
  • Temperatures are expected to reach a high of +4°C.

Tonight’s Forecast: Overcast and Cooler

  • The evening will remain overcast.
  • Winds will be light, up to 15 km/h.
  • The low is forecasted to be -3°C, with an overnight wind chill of -6°C.

Thursday’s Outlook: Clouds Making Way for Sun

  • Thursday, December 28, will start with cloudy skies but will become a mix of sun and cloud in the afternoon.
  • Light winds will continue.
  • The high for the day is expected to be 0°C, with a morning wind chill of -7°C.
  • The night will be clear with a low of -9°C.

Sunny Friday Ahead with Chilly Temperatures

  • Friday, December 29, will bring sunny skies, with a high of -3°C.
  • The evening will remain clear, with nighttime temperatures dropping to -11°C.

Weather Trivia: Understanding Freezing Rain

Freezing rain occurs when raindrops freeze upon hitting a cold surface, creating a coating of ice. This can lead to hazardous conditions, especially on roads and walkways.

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