WARNING: Door-to-door charity scams

Thunder Bay Police Service Patrol Supervisor

During this time of year, it isn’t uncommon to have someone show up to your front door soliciting for a charity or non-profit organization.

Sadly, many of these people are not associated with the organizations they purport to be part of. Fraudsters prey on people’s giving spirit and take advantage of their kindness.

Police would like to remind the public that they always have the right to close their door, hang up their phone, and delete suspicious texts and emails. This is the best strategy to avoid being the victim of a scam.

If you are concerned that the person may be legitimate, then independently make contact with the organization they claim to be part of an inquire on how you can offer support. NEVER use the contact information provided by a potential fraudster, always independently seek this information out.

Please do not give your credit card information to someone who could potentially be a scammer.

Remember that while some would-be fraudsters are sloppy and easy to spot, many are experts who will put together a very persuasive campaign. This may include documents with company logos, corporate IDs on lanyards, or business cards.

Please take time to speak to loved ones who may be more vulnerable.

To learn more about ongoing frauds and scams, please visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre online at www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca.

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