What are the most important coverages to know about?

What are the most important coverages to know about?

When it comes to insuring your car, there are many coverage types you could choose to add to your policy. Each form of coverage is designed to help if ever you found yourself caught up in a car accident – whether you were the one at fault, or not.

Each policy taken out by drivers across the United States of America, is personalized to each individual driver and their driving needs. To personalize each policy, each driver is able to add coverages they believe they may need if ever they were involved in an accident.

There are a wide range of coverages available to drivers to choose from, including some that insurers deem as important, some that should be considered as additional coverage, as well as some even offering extra coverages not offered by most.

Scroll to read on and discover what’s covered by car insurance, and if any are worth adding to your policy.

Collision Coverage

If you ever find yourself in a car accident with another vehicle, whether the fault lies with you or the other driver, if there’s any damage caused to your vehicle, this coverage helps towards the cost of any repairs or even a replacement that may be required.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage is also known to some as the ‘act of god’ coverage. This is due to the fact that any damage caused to your car, that wasn’t your fault, falls under this coverage.

For example, if a storm rolls into your town and uproots a tree that unfortunately lands on your car, this is known as an ‘act of god’ and not your fault. The coverage would help to cover any repair or replacement costs required to get you back on the road again.

Medical Payments Coverage / Personal Injury Protection Coverage

We know it’s not something you want to think about, but if for any reason you’re injured in a car accident, regardless if it was your fault or not, you’ll need coverage to help with any medical expenses you incur.

The medical payments coverage, also known as MedPay, helps to cover costs from things such as X-rays, surgeries, ambulance fees, nursing services, doctor and hospital visits and worst-case scenario – funeral services.

Personal injury protection coverage, also known as PIP, helps to cover the cost of everything included in the MedPay coverage, as well as the coverage of a percentage of wages lost due to injury and childcare costs too.

Liability Coverage

Required in almost every state in America, liability coverage, when looked at within the car insurance sector, is broken into two sections – bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability coverage.

Bodily injury liability coverage can be put in place to help cover to costs of medical bills if you were to injure someone in a car accident, who wasn’t a passenger in your car.

Property damage liability coverage can be put in place to help cover the cost of repair or replacement of any damage caused to someone’s personal property.

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