Giving Tuesday will support student financial aid at Lakehead University

Giving Tuesday will support student financial aid at Lakehead University

By Brandon Walker

THUNDER BAY – LIVING – Tuesday, November 29 marks the seventh annual Giving Tuesday at Lakehead University.

What started as a new initiative is now one of the biggest days of giving on the University’s calendar, with an incredible $543,000 in donations to Lakehead since 2016.

“Giving Tuesday has become a global movement for charities,” said Mike den Haan, Vice-President, External Relations at Lakehead University.

“It is a day when the entire Lakehead family of employees, alumni and friends celebrate the way that philanthropy enables students to access a Lakehead education. Many people make this a day for their own giving-commitment to Lakehead University.”

Seen as the “opening day of the giving season,” Giving Tuesday is when charities, companies, and individuals join together to share their commitment, rally for their favourite causes, and think about others.

This year’s goal is to raise $108,000 in support of student scholarships, bursaries and awards.

A popular incentive returns in 2022, with the Alumni Association of Lakehead University matching all new gifts for scholarships, bursaries and awards 1:1, up to $52,000.

“Alumni living and working all over the globe contribute to the success of Giving Tuesday at Lakehead University,” said Mark Tilbury, Alumni and Annual Giving Director at Lakehead University.

“They recognize the need, because they were once students themselves.  Their response to Giving Tuesday is their way of sharing it forward.”

Alumni and friends all over the globe are encouraged to give what they can on Giving Tuesday.

You may visit the Giving Tuesday portal ( beginning at 12:01 am on November 29 until midnight.

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