Snow Squall Warning issued for Jellicoe and Beardmore

Winter Storm Warning

BEARDMORE – WEATHER – Snow squalls are expected to affect areas east and southeast of Lake Nipigon. Snow squalls are expected to persist today before weakening this evening.

Snowfall amounts of 10 to 15 centimetres are forecast. Reduced visibility in heavy snow.

Snow squall warning in effect for:

  • Beardmore – Jellicoe – Macdiarmid

Snow squalls today through this evening.

Snow squalls cause weather conditions to vary considerably; changes from clear skies to heavy snow within just a few kilometres are common. Travel is expected to be hazardous due to reduced visibility in some locations. If visibility is reduced while driving, turn on your lights and maintain a safe following distance. Public Safety Canada encourages everyone to make an emergency plan and get an emergency kit with drinking water, food, medicine, a first-aid kit and a flashlight.

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