What is extreme cleaning?

A crew member cleans a GO bus. At least 40 buses are being specially cleaned each day. (Metrolinx photo)
A crew member cleans a GO bus. At least 40 buses are being specially cleaned each day. (Metrolinx photo)

What do cleaning companies consider ‘extreme’? With hoarders, drug dens, bio-hazardous material, and general filth to clean up across the UK, we speak to an extreme cleaning specialist to learn exactly what extreme cleaning really is and its challenges.

The definition of extreme cleaning

Whilst there’s no definition in dictionaries for extreme cleaning, Collins dictionary defines Extreme as: very great in degree or intensity; and Cleaning as: the job or activity of keeping a place clean.

Extreme cleaning, also known as heavy-duty cleaning or deep cleaning, is a type of professional cleaning that goes far beyond the usual day-to-day cleaning. It is usually carried out by specially trained and experienced cleaners who are equipped with the necessary tools and products to get the job done efficiently, effectively and most importantly safely.

Extreme cleans could be completed in a commercial, industrial or domestic setting involving the cleaning, decontamination and waste removal of heavily soiled, contaminated or otherwise filthy property or land. Extreme cleaning can be applicable to both the inside or external outside of a property.

What an expert extreme cleaner says…

Graham Hickman from extreme cleaning services company Complete Environmental Services explains “No two days are the same when it comes to extreme cleaning requests with no two situations being identical. However, they share a few common attributes and the main similarity is that there are often biohazards involved. This means only fully trained cleaning crews should attempt to tackle it. Needles from drug use, raw human sewage, animal faecal matter, blood or other dangerous waste is commonplace – it’s so important that clients avoid disturbing the site as the dangers to their health are numerous.”

What types of extreme cleaning are there?

There are various types of extreme cleaning, and the type of clean that is required will depend on the specific situation. Some of the most common types of extreme cleans include:

  • End of tenancy extreme cleaning: This is often carried out by professional cleaners when a tenant moves out of a property. It involves a thorough clean of the entire property, including the carpets, windows, bathrooms, kitchens, and any other areas.
  • After party cleaning: As the name suggests, this type of extreme clean is often required after a party or other event where there has been a lot of mess and debris left behind.
  • Hoarder house cleaning: This is a specialist type of extreme clean that is often required when a property has been neglected and is full of clutter and rubbish. It can be a very challenging and difficult type of clean, so it is important to get professional help if you are faced with this situation.
  • Crime scene cleaning: This is another specialist type of extreme clean that is required when a property has been the scene of a crime. It is a very delicate and sensitive process, and it is important to get professional help if you are the victim of a crime and require the scene to be cleaned.
  • Void property cleaning: This is often required when a property has been vacant for a period of time. It involves a thorough clean of the entire property, including the carpets, windows, bathrooms, kitchens, and any other areas.
  • Drug den cleaning: This is a type of extreme biohazard cleanup that is often required when a property, that’s usually abandoned, has been used as a drug den. It involves a thorough decontamination of the entire property, often removal of bio-hazardous waste including the removal of needle sticks and other drug-related paraphernalia.
  • Sewage cleaning: Often required when there has been a sewage leak or spill. It involves the cleanup of all contaminated areas, including the removal of all affected materials. Due to the danger of any raw sewage material, specialist equipment is required to reduce the risk of infection and therefore must only be carried out by specialist professionals.

What’s the difference between extreme cleaning and deep cleaning services?

Generally business owners and individuals require extreme cleaning when their property is extremely dirty and where cleaning it themselves would place them in danger of getting infected from hazardous materials. Deep cleaning on the other hand merely focuses on the removal of filth or ingrained grime. So with this in mind, you might deep clean an oven but that’s not necessarily an extreme situation.

What should I do if I suspect I need an extreme clean?

If you think you require an extreme clean, it’s important to make contact with a professional cleaning company as soon as possible. The type of cleaner you’ll require may depend on the exact situation you have, but in essence you ideally want a cleaner who has experience in carrying out similar types of work.

How can an extreme cleaning company help?

An extreme cleaning company will firstly be able to complete a site visit, either remotely via video call or on site. They’ll need to assess the situation and provide you with a quotation for the work that needs to be carried out before completing the work.

Graham goes on to say, “Because every extreme clean is different it’s only fair to both the customer and the cleaning company to price each cleaning job on its own merits. The extent of the clean, its geographical location, the property type and the hazards involved will all affect the cost of the extreme clean.”

How do I get a quote for my extreme clean?

Top tip: Before contacting a specialist cleaning company first ensure you know the extent of the situation. For example, here’s a few things that the cleaning company will want to know:

  • Where is the property located (what’s its postcode)?
  • What type of property is it (a garage, 3 bed House, hotel etc)?
  • Is the clean for the internal or external of the property or both?
  • How many rooms are there to be cleaned?
  • Is there vehicle access to the property (big enough for a 7.5 tonne van)?
  • Are you the owner of the property or the contact?
  • Is anyone living or working in the property?
  • Who will be billed for the work?
  • Are there any limitations on accessing the property (times of the day/days of the week)?
  • How quickly do you need the clean completed (do you have a timescale in mind or upcoming dates where it must be completed by)?
  • Do you have any pictures of rooms that require cleaning?
  • Can you describe the extent of the required clean?

What should I look for when searching for an extreme cleaning company?

Recommendations for individuals: While it may not be easy to do so, you may know of a friend or colleague who has gone through a situation similar to yours. Speaking openly with them about who they used and how satisfied they were with the service provided by the company should provide you with a good insight into the company.

Search engines: If you aren’t located in the location where you require services, search engines can present you with a big list of potential providers from which to choose. Terms you could use in your search include:

  • Extreme cleaning company
  • Extreme cleaners
  • Biohazard cleaners

Remember to include the location of the clean, for example, ‘Extreme cleaning Oxford’ would provide results in the Oxford area.

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