Allan Badilla Discusses How Challenges Teach You To Live Life To The Fullest

Allan Badilla
Allan Badilla

The challenges of life have a way of building character. When faced with obstacles and roadblocks, you have a decision to make: learn from them and grow, or stay stuck where you are. Allan Badilla believes that it’s not what happens to you in life, but your attitude toward each circumstance. Everyone faces obstacles, but if you allow them to become a lesson to learn from, they will actually help you live your best life.

Allan will tell you that the last years of his life have been the best yet. But that’s only been possible because he’s chosen to stay grateful, but never satisfied, through every trial. Allan grew up on a cattle farm in the small town of Junquillo Abajo de Puriscal, in San José, Costa Rica with his grandparents, where he studied journalism and marketing. He quickly realized that he never liked journalism, but found a love for marketing. But Allan felt like his boss’s slave, working 12-hour days, with no life of his own. Then, 15 years ago, network marketing came into his life. “My dreams were always so much bigger. Life has taught me that you do not decide where you are born, but you choose where you are going,” says Allan Badilla.

As a network marketing entrepreneur, Allan has kept two things in mind to pave his way to success. He knows that the vehicle determines the speed, and the environment determines the behavior. A leader’s potential is determined by the number of people being developed, and everything rises and falls through leadership. Allan has always been a stand out leader in his field, leaving his mark in the network marketing industry with his thousands of success stories.

Success is a journey through life. Even when Allan lost over $500 thousand in an economic bankruptcy in traditional entrepreneurship, he remembered that freedom is “bought” with hard work and dedication. “When the mind wants, the body can. Giving up or stopping only takes you away from the outcome. When you are focused, you just cover your eyes and go all out. Following the instinct of your heart,” says Allan Badilla.

Life consists of continuously moving forward. Allan always seeks out personal and professional growth by setting goals. He believes that when there are dreams to be achieved, it will always be time to start over.

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