Dr. Roya J. Hassad Encourages the World to Embrace Physical and Mental Wellbeing in 2021 and Beyond

Dr. Roya J. Hassad

It’s safe to say that the last 18 months have seen everybody’s physical and mental well-being take sort of a battering. Yet, as all boxers know, it’s not how hard you can hit that makes the crucial difference but how hard you can get hit and keep going. According to Dr. Roya J. Hassad, to give yourself the winning edge in life, you need to embrace your physical and mental wellbeing like never before.

As the founder of the renowned Hope, Life, and Dream Center, Iran-born Dr. Roya J. Hassad has a track record of enhancing her clients’ physical and mental wellbeing through her diverse range of anti-aging treatments. She says, “Many people often make the mistake that anti-aging treatments deal strictly with the cosmetic aspects of aging. This is a common myth. Aging can also trigger a host of ailments, including chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, and an abundance of aches and pains that can have an extremely detrimental effect on your physical and mental well-being. I believe that by combating the negative traits of aging head-on, you are embracing your physical and mental well-being and making a conscious decision to be proactive about your health.”

As someone who is possessed by an almost religious zeal when it comes to personal health, Dr. Roya believes there has never been a better time for individuals to stop ignoring their mental and physical well-being and stand up for their health. She says, “The pandemic has taken a severe toll on people, both physically and mentally. The stress, anxiety, and global disruption have aged us all, but the flip side is that there has been a gradual awakening of how we all need to look after ourselves better. The negative influence and effects of Covid-19 have been so overwhelming that I believe people got to the point where they felt they had no option but to fight back.”

Dr. Roya J. Hassad adds, “This fight involves eating sensibly, exercising regularly, taking our vitamins, getting plenty of fresh air, ditching bad habits and harmful products, practicing mindfulness, reducing anxiety, fostering meaningful relationships, ridding ourselves of toxic influences, and espousing a proactive approach to the effects of aging. In short, it means being the positive and healthy individuals we were born to be. It’s a habit the whole world needs to adopt this year and forever if we are to build a brighter and better future.”

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