How Ryan Charlton Helps Members of his Community

Ryan Charlton

Country: Australia

Contact Info: Media Contact



Ryan Charlton is a community leader and philanthropist, promoting the welfare of others in his community through property development.

Regardless of your career path or industry, Charlton believes you can align yourself in such a way that allows you to better your community and the lives of others.

As a developer with 15 years of experience, Charlton decided that he wanted a meaningful career change and to focus on affordable housing in the nonprofit sector in Australia.

Australia’s housing is becoming more expensive than ever before, rapidly outpacing the rate of inflation and pricing many low and medium-low income families out of the housing market.

Charlton’s duties include working within the community based sector. He has built affordable housing units, and even oversaw the complete acquisition and development of a youth mental health centre in Mount Druitt.

“The centre can now accommodate more youth who need mental health support,” says Charlton.

“Working within the community sector gives me great pride in the work I do,” says Charlton.

“I now work within the facilities management and property management space for nonprofits and community based organisations where I implement asset management frameworks and project management for large construction projects within the nonprofit sector,” says Charlton.

Ryan Charlton says he also manages all compliance related elements within the commercial property space for community based organizations.

He reports directly to CFOs, CEOs and the Board of Directors, constantly seeking ways to improve his work and effectively manage new construction and development projects from acquisition to completion of the project.

“I’ve completed business cases on acquisition and divestment of property within community based organisations,” says Charlton.

Ryan Charlton’s top tip for people who want to follow in his footsteps and get involved in the property industry is to stay humble. Because Charlton always remembers where he came from, he constantly looks back to his community and finds new ways to help people in need.

His second tip is to support your teammates and the people around you that you work with. This is imperative to do great work and build sustainable relationships.

“I also think everyone should remain customer focused no matter what industry they are in,” says Chartlon.

“Every person who is looking for advice is your customer and should be treated that way.”

According to Ryan Charlon, ethics is also an important component to having a successful and long-lasting career.

“Always continue to grow and learn. No matter who you are working with, they always have something to teach you,” says Charlton.

He goes on to say that both positive and negative experiences shape who you become, and both are useful.

“Every person who touches your life has a positive or negative impact. A positive impact is a chance for you to learn from them, and a negative impact is for you to learn what not to do next time.”

Ryan Charlton plans to continue working within the community housing sector, helping provide social and affordable housing to low-income members of the community.








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