Meet JoshfromYNC the voice and face of West Virginia rap music


Joshua Heatherington stage name JoshfromYNC is a Hiphop young legend in his city. He has been the voice and face of Wheeling’s rap scene for the last 7 years . He did a lot of things first when it comes to his area but he’s very BIG on giving back to his community. Last year the pandemic was going on and The West Virginia rapper still went out faced up giving away toys making it possible for some kids to have a Christmas that families couldn’t do nothing about cause they was laid off work due to the pandemic . This guy has a big heart and is very passion about the 304. Blue and yellow is the colors of his state that he loves to represent and is very proud to say he’s from West Virginia. A couple years back he did a performance to raise money for cancer all of the proceeds went to them .

Heatherington said when he got the call for it he didn’t hesitate to say YES he will do it for his city . Two years ago he did a music video with a hit maker and put his city on once again having a well known dance group in the big music video with a celebrity. They go by the name of GOS they have been dancing in every parade in the Tri State and they are phenomenal. JoshfromYNC said the kids were so happy to do it cause they dance to DJ Unk’s walk it out in every Christmas parade and Josh made it happen for them to be in a music video with him . Follow @JoshfromYNC to see how he continues to be the face and voice of Wheeling West Virginia’s rap movement

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