Four Practical Tips to Write Better Essays

Writing an essay

Writing an essay is a common task that everybody faces. The purpose of the essay is to express the author’s thoughts, ideas, and considerations on a specific topic. For example, you can write an essay based on an article, work, or even yourself. The content of the essay is free and, as we have already said, does not pretend to an extensive interpretation of the topic. In a way, it is both a literary essay and a philosophical treatise in one bottle. According to EssayShark, students would rather pay $100 instead of writing an essay. But how safe is it to pay somebody online to write your paper for you? Professors and instructors discourage students from doing it, but as stated in this article on LegitWritingServices, it is absolutely safe and a lot of college students use this opportunity to ease their academic workload. Today, we offer you four practical pieces of advice that will help you save your money and create excellent essays.

Form Your Idea

Writing at least a proper text is not as easy as it may seem, but without a predetermined idea, the task becomes almost impossible. Therefore, before you start writing, you need to specify a clearly defined topic. To do this, you have to define a pair of “thesis-argument”.

The thesis is a complete idea that you want to convey to the reader. Usually, the text of an essay should include at least three theses. For example, you want to write an essay on the topic “The Danger of Anger”, thesis for it may look like this:

  • an angry person becomes irritated; it’s hard for him to enjoy the success of others, and he does not want to help anyone;
  • in today’s modern world of gloss and Instagram’s influencers, angry people find even more reasons to be unsatisfied with life; it is complicated for them to communicate with others; thus, anger provokes isolation and encourages loneliness;
  • an angry person celebrates the failures of others, and he will not strive to resist injustice.

You might formulate just one thesis, common to the whole text. It would be best if you found selected arguments to support each thesis. These are the facts and examples proving them. Depending on the type of an essay, it may be a real-life situation, a quote, a reference to the research, etc. Make sure you do thorough research to find particular pieces of evidence.

Develop a Basic Structure

Simplicity is complicated. Always remember about the saying “the less is more”. Among other things, it means that you do not have to pile an essay with lots of facts, sections, overload it with beautiful literary techniques in order to create a good text. Moreover, if you have weak arguments and theses, not a single complicated metaphor can save you. One of the main secrets of success is a well-thought-out structure.

When you compile a structure, it is convenient to rely on the theses and arguments prescribed in the previous paragraph:

  • an introduction is a part that mentions the main theses of the essay;
  • the main part consists of the paragraphs with arguments, facts in support of the thesis, which are presented in a form suitable for an essay of a certain type.
  • a conclusion is the final accord of your textual symphony. In this section, you do not repeat the main idea again, but draw conclusions based on the arguments you have put forward.

Use Additional Instruments

When you need to write something right now, there can be a problem called “the fear of the white paper”. Even if the author knows what he needs to write about, the first step is the hardest to take. Another problem is called the “perfectionist paralysis” when you cannot start doing something due to the fear of not being able to finish it properly.

There can be many reasons for being afraid of a white paper: from ephemeral ones like “no mood” to quite specific ones like a paralyzing fear of getting a bad grade for homework or excessive perfectionism. Of course, the lack of practice also affects us, not in the best way.

Experiments show that this problem can be solved by using text templates. The idea is simple — it is difficult for a person to write at least a sentence to mark the page with at least one word. It is much easier psychologically to start writing if there is already some text on it. Therefore, you can try using templates and directly editing them with your own thoughts.

Re-read It Twice

Once you have defeated the fear of the white paper and written the text, it is essential to re-read it a couple more times and correct mistakes. If you write it online, it’s a good idea to use specialized tools for proofreading and grammar checking. And it’s not humiliating or stupid at all. We all make mistakes. When you have been working on an essay for a long time, your eyes get accustomed to your own misprints. Such tools will help correct all the minor issues, get rid of grammar mistakes, and improve the style of the text.


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