THUNDER BAY – Updated – Labour Day in Thunder Bay – what is open? What is closed? What is happening in Thunder Bay and region?
First off, the usuals, government offices, banks, major grocery store chains and malls will be closed on Monday. The LCBO will be closed although there will be some locations of The Beer Store open across Ontario. In Thunder Bay the location on Red River Road and Clarkson will be open holiday Monday from 11-5.
If you are in need of groceries, Skaf’s in Current River on Hoddor Avenue will be open regular hours on Monday. As well, Maltese Grocery on Algoma is open from 10-6. Circle K Convenience stores will also be open.
The Hub on Victoria Avenue East is closed in the downtown Fort William neighbourhood for the weekend. Proponent Lori Paras shares, however, to stay tuned for the Southside Vibe on September 15th.
Imagetech – Thunder Bay’s place for serious photographers reports, “We will be closed for 31st Aug to 1st Sept for the Labour Day long weekend.”
Gary Mac and the team from Bay Village Coffee share, “We are closed for the long weekend Saturday to Monday reopening at 7:00 Tuesday morning.” Guess the goal is hurrying down today to scoop up those delicious muffins and baked treats.
On September 2nd, join in for the LABOUR DAY PICNIC along Cumberland Street just south of Boulevard Lake.

While you are in the area, stop by Ally’s Mini-Putt up at Boulevard Lake. Kevin shares that the Mini-Putt will be open from 11-9. Stop by and enjoy one of the real rites of summer.
Also, make plans for the Hymer’s Fall Fair.
“If you ever have wanted to see how the mirrors at the top of the Chippewa Park Carousel are made, this weekend is the time to do it at the Hymers Fair” announced Terry Hurtig, volunteer carving coordinator for the Carousel Restoration. “We will also be displaying works-in-progress of the re-carving of the dragons that dominate the rounding boards at the top of the carousel. We would love to have everyone in the Thunder Bay area stop by, look at our work and talk to us about it.”
The Thunder Bay Carvers Association has partnered with the Save Our Carousel Committee of The Friends of Chippewa Park to repair and re-carve the 16 mirrors, the 32 dragons and the 16 branches that adorn the exterior of the historic C.W. Carousel.
“This work has a value of approximately $150,000 if it was to be done by a private contractor” noted Save Our Carousel Co-Chair, Donna Gilhooly. “The significant contribution of their time and skills, not only reduces the amount of money we have to raise for the restoration but ensures that the community will play a major personal part in the restoration.” The contribution by the Carvers Association, once completed, will have increased the value of the combined financial and in-kind contribution to well over $600,000.”
The Canada Games Complex will be open on Labour Day: Hours are 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
As of Monday Sept 2nd the pool will be shut down for a three-week maintenance re opening on Sept 23rd. Members are able to use Volunteer Pool, Lakehead University Pool (paid parking) and Churchill Pool once it re opens on Sept 13th. Please present your membership card upon arrival at the facility to gain entrance.
The spa and saunas will re-open on Sept 9th and can be accessed by the women’s day use locker room, womens members locker room and mens members locker room only. There will be no access to the pool deck through the mens day use locker room.
If you are open on Labour Day, or have news to share, contact NetNewsLedger by email at newsroom@netnewsledger.com to get your update on this list.