LONDON – Unless you have been living on another planet, by now you know that there are many people that suffer silently from pain or inflammation. As a matter of fact, inflammation is the root cause of pain. Inflammation happens when you get injured due to an accident or engage in vigorous activities such as carrying heavy stuff. Your muscles and joints can also get inflamed when you sleep in an irritating position.
Most people prefer to take prescription drugs or over the counter painkillers to reduce the severity of pain. The problem with such drugs is that they contain chemical compounds that have negative side effects when used in the long term. You can actually treat at home by using natural remedies. Below is a list of remedies that you can use to naturally relieve yourself from pain and inflammation without having to visit a medical facility.
- Steroids
When any part of your body gets inflamed in one way or another, it’s the muscles and other tissues that suffer the most. This is because the impact that causes the injury damages the structure of the tissues. In fact, the tissues of the affected site get torn apart. It actually takes time for the wound to heal. Research has proved that injectable steroids are the best solution for treating wounds that result from inflammation. This is because they are organic compounds that enhance the growth and development of body muscles. When such steroids are administered into your body, they speed up the healing process by repairing the worn out tissues in the affected part of the body. And maybe that’s why most athletes swear by them.
- Cold and Hot Packs Therapy
Instead of taking painkillers, you should consider using cold and hot packs therapy. When you suffer an injury, pain becomes inevitable. But there is a solution that works all the time. For a start, you should get ice cubes from your freezer, wrap them with a plastic bag and then place them on top of the affected area for at least 10 minutes. The magic behind the ice cubes logic is that they relieve pain by lowering the temperatures of a swollen part. The ice cubes should be alternated with hot presses. The hot water presses awaken the tissues that were somehow deactivated by the ice cubes. Simply warm water in a jar to mild temperature and immerse a piece of cloth in the container and then spread it on the affected part. For best results, repeat the process at least 5 times a day.
- Exercise Regularly
Scientific research has proved that inactivity is the leading cause of inflammation and joint pains. In case you didn’t know, the various parts of your body need to be moved every now and then to remain in a healthy condition. Your body is like a car that slowly gets damaged when it remains unused for a long time. The joints of your body were designed to rotate like the moving parts of an engine. When you sit down most of the time, your joints lose their tolerance and in the long run, they are unable to bear with your weight. Moving around more often helps in remedying the stiffness that usually causes such pains.
- Lose Weight
When you have extra pounds, it’s your joints that get punished the most. This is due to the fact that they are the ones that have to carry all the weight. In fact, people who are overweight or obese are more vulnerable to joint pains and inflammation. Such pains are an indicator that your weight is too much for the bones to support. Even if you visit a medical practitioner, he will still advise you to lose weight. You should, therefore, consider hitting the gym before it’s too late.
- Change of Diet
When inflammation and pain are allowed to persist for an extended period of time, it causes the mass of your body tissues to decline, making you even weaker. You should, therefore, consider adopting a diet that that doesn’t encourage inflammation. Lest you forget, there are certain foods that are known to trigger inflammation in your body. Foods that are hard to digest, sugary snacks and processed stuff are the major culprits. You should instead focus on consuming vegetables and fruits, plant and animal proteins. All in all, you should eat a balanced diet.