Candidate’s Ledger – Andy Wolff, Current River Ward

Andy Wolff has knocked on over 1000 doors in Current River to seek support in his run for City Council
Andy Wolff is seeking a seat on Thunder Bay City Council representing Current River

My name is Andy Wolff and I’m running for Current River Ward Councillor.

My opponent Andrew Foulds and I will agree on one thing.  We each have differing views on what a City Councillor’s role should be for the city.  I believe I am qualified to best serve the residents of Current River Ward.

For too long, our City Council has given a free reign to administration.  When decisions are made, it’s City Administration that speaks to the media, rationalizing decisions made by our City Council.  I will not allow that to happen.  I believe in Democratic Leadership, where I will represent citizens concerns and direct administration to act on those concerns.

As your Councillor, these are some of the resolutions I will put forward:

·       A money-for-value audit of the City’s Finances conducted by an impartial third-party

·       Make it mandatory to have a plebiscite on major capital projects

·       Have every council vote officially recorded

·       Abolish the 3 question-rule council has regarding asking questions of administration and people who present to city council

·       Rescind the Hotel Tax

·       Restore curbside pick up to 3 bags of garbage

As your Councillor for Current River Ward, I pledge on having the maximum of 5 Ward Meetings per year, along with informal public meeting to address public concerns.

I look forward to serving you on the next city council.

Vote for Andy Wolff, Councillor for Current River Ward.


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