Hotspot in Ontario: 8.6 °C 47.5 °F Toronto Downtown
Cold spot in Ontario: -5.3 °C22.5 °F Armstrong
Hotspot in Canada: 16.9 °C 62.4 °F High Level Airport, AB
Cold spot in Canada: -22.9 °C -9.2 °F Eureka, NU
THUNDER BAY – Day STARTER – Good morning Northwestern Ontario. It is Saturday, May 12th, 2018. For Thunder Bay today, it is going to be a great day to fire up the barbecue and get into the backyard. Today’s high will be 15c under mainly sunny skies. Sunday is forecast for 23c as a high so you might want to make sure the propane tank is full.
For Kenora, and Dryden, there will be ainly sunny skies with a high of 17. The UV index will be 6 or high.

NetnewsLedger would like to welcome Kasper Transportation onboard as your Day Starter sponsor. Kasper Transportation is spreading its tires from Winnipeg to Longlac with travel available from Thunder Bay to Sioux Lookout, to Winnipeg, Dryden, Red Lake, Atikokan and Fort Frances. The newest bus, the ‘Mini Corn Dog’ has just joined the fleet. Visit www.gokasper.com for more details.
What Do You Need to Know?
Dryden – The Dryden Police are investigating a Break and Enter and Mischief to a garage on Colonization Ave overnight on May 5th. The suspect entered the garage where it appeared they slept for the night and proceeded to defecate in areas of the garage prior to leaving. Read more.
THUNDER BAY – Friday the Ontario Liberal Party released its plan to build Northern Ontario up by continuing to grow the economy, lowering costs for people and businesses and making sure everyone has every opportunity to get ahead. Ontario Liberals know that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work in the north. Northerners need continued leadership say the Liberals. Read on...
Community Events
THUNDER BAY – The excitement is starting for the Fountain Tire Summer Classic. The most exciting and epic game of road hockey to be played this summer. What: TeamStaal Fundraising Contest. Winners will play in the Fountain Tire Summer Classic – an epic road hockey game during the Staal Foundation Open, presented by Tbaytel. Read more...
Questions about home energy and renovations?
Join EcoSuperior’s certified energy advisor, Don Rutledge at Waverley Public Library from 6:30 – 8 pm on Wed. May 16. Don has completed over 1,900 home energy assessments and can help answer your questions about renovation rebate programs and much more! If you are planning renovations, plan to be there! Free admission * Free refreshments For more information, contact EcoSuperior at 624-2141.
On Saturday, May 26th, 2018 from 10 am to 5 pm The Beer Store and its affiliated union – United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 12R24 – are inviting Ontarians to join in the fight against blood cancers by donating their empty beer, wine, and liquor containers during the 13th annual Returns for Leukemia Bottle Drive. All proceeds benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) in their mission to end blood cancers. The funds raised are used for research into innovative treatments and cures for blood cancers. They are also used for patient and survivor support, as well as resources and education for the public.
Heading into the warmer weather, now is a great time to start putting together your home and your business Spring Cleaning Plan. Is there a yard project you want to get going on? Is this the year you start a serious recycling plan? Is this the year you decide that you will spend the warmer months getting in shape?
Share your ideas at newsroom@netnewsledger.com Over the coming weeks and months we are going to be sharing your ideas, and the plans the NNL Family have for the summer.
GARDENING TIME The Thunder Bay Public Library is pleased to announce the spring opening of the garden tool lending libraries.
Gas Up for Less
The price of a litre of gas is reported at $1.499 in Terrace Bay. Honestly put, at these prices, the costs of many necessities are going to go up too. Fuel prices across the western parts of Ontario range from $1.399 in Dryden, to $1.399 at the Husky on Chipman Street in Kenora, In Thunder Bay, the lowest price in the city is $1.399 at the Esso on Red River Road. Out on the Fort William First Nation, gas prices are at $1.247 at THP.
You can get the latest gas prices, including Cook County MN at GasPrices on NetNewsLedger.
Share your Information
Do you or your group have events, information, or news tips that NetNewsLedger should know about? Contact us at newsroom@netnewsledger.com