Hotspot in Ontario: 8.3 °C 46.9 °F Fort Frances
Cold spot in Ontario: -7.2 °C 19.0 °F Algonquin Park East Gate
Hotspot in Canada: 9.9 °C 49.8 °F Sand Heads Lightstation, BC
Cold spot in Canada: -28.3 °C -18.9 °F Gjoa Haven, NU
Thunder Bay – Day Starter – Happy Monday Northwestern Ontario – It is April 23, 2018. This morning looks like a great spring day for Northwestern Ontario. The Hotspot in Ontario this morning is Fort Frances. Here in Thunder Bay at 07:30 am it is -3c. Today’s high under a mix of sun and cloud is forecast for +17c. The UV Index will be 6 or high.
Spring really has appeared to have arrived.
What Do You Need to Know?
THUNDER BAY – A group of 42 Indigenous Walkers from Manitoba visited Thunder Bay this week as they continue their journey to Ottawa. Maureen Woods from Garden Island First Nation in Manitoba had a vision to raise awareness of the damage that crystal meth is doing in First Nations communities across Manitoba. Read the full report.
NNL Investigating
ATTAWAPISKAT – The Ontario Provincial Police and NAPS are working together to investigate a shooting of a fifty-one-year-old male in Attawapiskat. The incident which was witnessed by a number of people has many in the community expressing concern about the impact on those who saw the incident. This report will be updated as more information comes in. Residents from Attawapiskat are sharing their views.
Public Service Announcements
Confederation College’s Culinary Management program is excited to present “A Celebration Showcasing Indigenous Cuisine” on Thursday, April 26.
Join our students as they present dishes inspired by and celebrating the Indigenous cuisine and cultures of northwestern Ontario. Tickets are on sale now for just $75. Proceeds support the Culinary Management program and its students.
Visit confedshowcase.eventbrite.ca to get learn more and get your tickets today.
THUNDER BAY – Do you have electronic waste – like an old cell phone or computer – unwanted tires, or used clothing and textile that you are ready to pass on? EcoSuperior and Gateway Casino Thunder Bay will help make your spring cleaning easy! Drop off your electronic waste, old passenger tires, and used clothing and textile for FREE during our 1 day collection event on Saturday, May 5 from 10am to 3pm at the Cumberland Street parking lot of the Gateway Casino Thunder Bay. Donations will be made to EcoSuperior by the Ontario Electronic Stewardship and Bin There Dump That based on the volume of materials collected, so your spring cleaning can help inspire environmental stewardship in Northwestern Ontario! For more information visit www.ecosuperior.org/collectionevent or call 624-2141.
Upcoming Town Hall
THUNDER BAY – POLITICS 2.0 – Thunder Bay City Councillor Frank Pullia is hosting a town hall meeting at the 55 Plus Centre on April 25th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The public meeting will cover the growing issues impacting Thunder Bay including addiction, mental health, homelessness, and the pressures caused by these issues… Read More…
Gas Up for Less
The price of a litre of gas is actually more expensive today in Dryden than Thunder Bay. Fuel prices across the region range from $1.349 in Dryden, to $1.24.4 at the Husky on Chipman Street in Kenora, In Thunder Bay, the lowest price in the city is $1346 at the Esso on Red River Road. Out on the Fort William First Nation, gas prices are at $1.187 at THP. You can get the latest gas prices, including Cook County MN at GasPrices on NetNewsLedger.
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