Andrew Foulds – Current River Update

Andrew Foulds Current River Councillor is running for the New Democrats in Thunder Bay Superior North
Andrew Foulds Current River Councillor

THUNDER BAY – CIVIC – I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year.

It continues to be a privilege and honour serving the people of Current River and the citizens of Thunder Bay at City Hall.

As your councilor, together with Thunder Bay City Council, we are ambitiously meeting the challenges of the 21 st century: economically, environmentally, and socially. I look forward to continuing to work hard for you.

Recently, I hosted a well-attended ward meeting at the Current River Recreation Centre where many of these challenges were discussed. Truck traffic on Hodder, bike lanes, trails and parks were items of discussion. City Administration was present to make presentations on a series of serious issues including Boulevard Lake Dam, the Water Corrosion Plan and the upcoming budget.

The most important task City Council undertakes is setting the budget as it sets the strategic direction for the next year. As such, I would like to inform all citizens about the 2016 budget process.  This process begins at the end January and is scheduled to be completed in March.  There will be a number of public meetings including a pre-budget (February 9 th) consultations where citizens can make deputation directly to council.

This year the City of Thunder Bay will be hosting a new Pre-Budget Session where the public is invited to ask questions and discuss what the proposed Budget means in an informal setting prior to Council’s detailed review. The Pre-Budget Session will take place from 6:30 – 9:00 pm on Thursday, Feb. 4, at the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre Auditorium. A brief presentation on the Proposed 2016 Budget will take place at 6:30 pm, followed by an opportunity to visit interactive stations with City Departments

It is critically important that Council hears from you about your concerns. This is your city, your city facilities and your city services. This is important, please have your say.  Make sure it is the direction you want our city to go. You can also call or email councilors or go online to to have your input.

Four meetings have been hosted in the Ward regarding the Corrosion Control Plan. This plan is mandated by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. In Thunder Bay more than 10 % of the homes show lead levels higher than the allowable limit. Lead has serious health effects. As such and again as mandated by the province a Corrosion Plan has been developed by the City to decrease the levels of lead. This plan will start within the Hodder zone in 2016.

The Boulevard Lake Dam project is being prepared for the near future. This critical piece of infrastructure requires much needed renewal. The City is currently doing much work in order to make this investment.

I would like to inform Current River ward residents that every Wednesday at the North End Recreation Centre you can participate in some wonderful family activities. They have free hot chocolate, skating, music and craft tables available. Please join in the fun between 6 and 9 pm. Also go to for more information on the Centre.

It is that time of the year again for the Current River Recreation Centre Winter Carnival. It will take place February 5, 6, and 7. Go to for the full schedule. The carnival is always fun with activities such as shuffle board, penny auctions, curling, crafts and much more. There is a delicious pancake breakfast Sunday morning!

Thank you to all the volunteers who make both the North End Rec and Current River Rec such great places for our community. Thank you to all citizens who make Current River Ward a great place to live, work and play.

I would also like to report that work has already begun on the Community Services Recreation & Facilities Master Plan that will analyze facilities, programs and demand across the City and make recommendations to address our current and future needs. Extensive community consultation will take place over the next several months beginning in February. Please stay tuned and have your say. This plan will impact all of us and our quality of life!

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 766 9914, email, Facebook or on twitter @Andrewfoulds1

Andrew Foulds

Current River Councillor

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