ST. ALBERT – RCMP NEWS – As many as 2,500 RCMP Officers are expected to attend the funeral of Constable David Wynn in Alberta. A full Regimental Funeral will be held to remember and honour the life of Constable David Wynn.
Regimental Funeral Details
- The funeral service will be held at the Servus Credit Union Place, 400 Campbell Road, in St. Albert, Alberta on Monday, January 26, 2015 at 2 p.m. MST.
- There will be limited parking at the Servus Credit Union Place, and parking preference will be given to family and friends of the Wynn and Bond families, dignitaries, RCMP employees, and people with mobility concerns.
- Messages of condolence can be emailed to the following address: Condolences_Condoleances@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
- The public is invited to sign a book of condolences at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police St. Albert Detachment (Maloney Place, 96 Bellerose Drive, St. Albert) or in the front foyer of “K” Division Headquarters (11140 – 109 Street, Edmonton). Headquarters is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Edmonton area RCMP Veterans Set Up Fund
The RCMP Veterans Association Edmonton Division in relation the recent shooting of two St. Albert police officers have established a special fund to raise donations. Details on the fund are available on the City of St. Alberta website at http://stalbert.ca/city-hall/news/news-releases/family-support-fund-established