THUNDER BAY – Canadian Astronaut Chris A. Hadfield invested an hour with young people this afternoon at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium. Sharing a message that you can do it if you try, the Canadian icon who woke up the world with his messages from the International Space Station, was the guest of Leadership Thunder Bay today for a special afternoon presentation.
Col. Hadfield shared how his love of space started at an early age, and how it took him twenty-one years of hard work and study to achieve his goal.
Engaging with Elementary School students from across Thunder Bay and with school students on a closed circuit livestream produced by NNL, the enthusiasm Hadfield shared had students cheering, applauding and excited to share.
Several really fortunate students were brought up on stage by Hadfield to help in demonstrating how things are going to space, and in one case, “going in space”. Students cheered loudly, and yet also when asked to be quiet were more silent than anyone could believe.
Tonight at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium, Col Hadfield will share his story with an almost sold out Thunder Bay audience. There are reportedly still a few tickets left.