The Ladies Man – Cambrian Players

Cambrian Players presents "The Ladies Man"
Cambrian Players presents "The Ladies Man"
Cambrian Players presents “The Ladies Man” by Charles Morey


THUNDER BAY – Cambrian Players is gearing up to take to the stage this week with a play called “The Ladies Man” written by Charles Morey, freely translated and adapted from Tailleur pour dames by Georges Feydeau. The Ladies Man comes from the same production team lead by Director Lawrence Badanai that brought last year’s successful farce Lend Me A Tenor to the Cambrian stage.

Two of the lovers in The Ladies Man are played by local actors Jessica Krasnichuk and John Welyki and we asked them why farce? Jessica Krasnichuk says “theatre for a lot of people is a sort of release from their everyday lives. Farce takes some very realistic situations and elevates them to a hilarious absurdity. Farce can seem very surface, but if you were to look closer it can deal with some very deep issues in a very fast paced and modern world.” “It’s about embracing the absurd” explained John Welyki, “plus I get to work both with those I have before and enjoyed immensely plus some new faces which I had only previously been able to admire from afar” he said. “Definitely the people” agreed Jessica, “You gain so much knowledge about your own performance and learn new things by just working with other people.”

This is Jessica Krasnichuk’s second show with Cambrian Players, as she was last seen in the fall production of Norm Foster’s Jenny’s House of Joy. We asked her how this outing compares to he first experience and if it gets any easier, she smiles and said “well there are A LOT more doors for one and you just never know when one will open and close.The pace is a lot quicker than the last show and it is in a constant state hysterical chaos. While the last show dealt heavily on the relationships within the house, this show deals with the relationships of people in, out and around the house, even dealing with relationships that were mysteriously lost” said Jessica.

The story of The Ladies Man takes place in Paris at the turn of the last century where the recently married Dr. Hercule Molineaux (Alex Jecchinis) tells “one, tiny, little, hardly noticeable lie” to cover an innocent but embarrassing indiscretion. From that single untruth tumbles a cascade of increasingly convoluted deceptions, misunderstandings and mistaken identities. Compounding Molineaux’s troubles are a suspicious wife (Julie MacCoy), a gorgon of a mother-in-law (Gabe Ferrazzo), an outrageously aggressive female patient (Jessica Krasnichuk), her violently jealous Prussian husband (John Welyki), a well-intentioned friend with a serious lisp (Spencer Hari), a valet with attitude (Colin Stewart), a maid with a secret (Lauren Payette) and more slamming doors than realistic architecture should ever accommodate, all adding up to a hilariously zany and infectiously charming farce.

Performances take place at the Paramount Theatre in Thunder Bay on February 20 to 22, and 26 to March 1st at 8pm daily. Advance tickets available from: Steepers, Fireweed and Calico and at the theatre door. $10 discount tickets are available for Feb. 20, 26 and 27thperformances. All other performances are $10 adult and $15 for students and seniors. For more information, visit them on Facebook at:

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