THUNDER BAY – Lead footed drivers were left to cool their heels yesterday. Thunder Bay Police Traffic officers were kept busy Wednesday and issued seventy-six speeding tickets to would be race car drivers in the construction zone on the Harbour Expressway .
T.B.P. S. report “The total would have been significantly higher had it not been for other collision related calls that pulled two officers away from this enforcement detail. The top speed detected was 96 km/hr – in a posted 50 km/hr construction zone. Had that vehicle been going only 5 km/hr faster it would have been impounded”.
Thunder Bay Police Bag Would Be Race Car Drivers
Speeding in a construction zone can have serious implications for drivers. Demerit points and higher insurance policies are one impact. The other could be an accident or injury to a worker. Police state there is no excuse. “The clearly posted zone has about 1 km of orange barrels on both sides of the road. There is no mistaking the fact that this is a construction zone.
Every one of the motorists stopped was going “significantly” over the limit. Remarked one officer with a very tired writing hand “there were so many that we couldn’t possibly keep up” .
Fresh hands will continue until speeds are reduced.