Ian Hodgkinson – Who are the Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels are getting going in Thunder Bay.
Guardian Angels are heading to Thunder Bay.
Guardian Angels are heading to Thunder Bay.

THUNDER BAY – GUEST POST – The Guardian Angels remains a volunteer-based organization made up of dedicated individuals who generously donate their time and energy to help protect communities around the world.

A unique feature of The Guardian Angels approach is the group’s inclusion of inner city youth in the safety patrols. By making young people part of the solution rather than casting them as part of the problem, The Guardian Angels empowers youth to take pride in their communities and contribute to the safety of their neighborhoods.

Our Mission:

The Reality
Every day, we receive calls and letters from individuals pleading for help to overcome violence in their worlds. These calls only confirm the increases in violence, harassment, and intimidation reported daily in newspapers and research surveys. Bullies, predators, and gangs, in increasing numbers, are creating fear and danger in our communities. The perpetrators lurk in schools, neighborhoods, streets, subways and the Internet.

The Dream

That all children will enjoy a safe environment in which they can rise to their full potential and develop self-esteem, confidence and pride of accomplishment through a contribution and commitment to society.

The Goal

To motivate teachers, parents and children to create a safer, more powerful future through our programs focused on personal safety, civic contribution, value development and cyber security. To bring violence prevention programs to schools across America for the benefit of students, families, and teachers. To serve as a resource for training teachers in violence prevention at institutions of higher learning.

The Plan

Through increased partnership with educational, business, cultural and religious institutions in our communities, we will solidify and expand our pragmatic and positive role model programs. We will expand and enhance our programs focused on personal safety, neighborhood safety, cyberspace safety and civility, with a special emphasis on overcoming social and educational adversity. In concert with our nation’s schools, we will continue our groundbreaking work to develop curricula illustrating and documenting the benefits of violence prevention.
Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels Around The World
With men and women from around the world forming the Guardian Angels chapters world-wide, they made a difference in the lives of people in the communities they patrolled, every single day. As the streets have become safer, the Guardian Angels have devoted more time to safety education and inner-city children programs. Local chapters use their hard-earned experience to teach self-defense courses and “street smart” skills to seniors, women and community groups, schools and university students around the country.

Ian Hodgkinson

For more information: Visit Guardian Angels Canada on Facebook

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