Eric Melillo MP – “Justin Trudeau is focused on taking hunting rifles and shotguns from law-abiding hunters”

Kenora MP Eric Melillo
Kenora MP Eric Melillo

KENORA – POLITICS – Eric Melillo, Member of Parliament for the Kenora Riding is concerned as the Liberal government moves ahead with their firearm confiscation program.

MP Melillo says it will do nothing to improve community safety in Northwestern Ontario or across the country and will only make life more difficult for firearms owners in the region.

“Instead of going after the illegal guns used by criminals and street gangs or ending their catch-and-release bail system, Justin Trudeau is focused on taking hunting rifles and shotguns from law-abiding hunters, sport shooters, and Indigenous peoples,” Melillo stated. “No one believes this will reduce violent crime across Canada,” states Melillo.

Since 2015, the year the Liberal Party formed government, violent crime has increased by 32%, and gang-related murders have doubled.

This confiscation program was first announced alongside Prime Minister Trudeau’s decision to ban over 1,500 models of firearms using an order-in-council on May 1, 2020. The Liberal government has also repealed mandatory minimum

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