“Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds” – Holistic Lifestyle Content Creator Armeen Jasavala on Spirituality and Finding the True Meaning of Life


    Armeen Jasavala is a wellness expert and content creator based in Mumbai, India, who shares valuable information on how to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle through holistic approaches that focus on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

    Many people think that spirituality and religion are the same thing, however, Armeen believes you can be ‘spiritual’ without being religious or a member of an organised religion. She also believes that ‘spirituality’ is closely linked with mindfulness. For her, this involves exploring certain universal themes including altruism, love, compassion, truth and wisdom.

    She was born to Parsi Zoroastrian parents, but she is not religious in the traditional way. Zorastrianism is an ancient Persian religion and is one of the oldest practiced religions in the world. It focuses on three tenets: Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds. These principles are held in high regard by Armeen and she tries to implement them in her day-to-day life. Zorastrianism also holds great value for the elements of the natural world (like plants, animals, fire, water, air, earth etc.). As Armeen is an environmental enthusiast, she truly feels a sense of connection to something bigger than herself when surrounded by nature.

    In 2020, at the relatively young age of 33, Armeen along with her husband (age 36) decided to purchase two acres of barren land and nurture it back to life with the intentions of building a small forest retreat and giving back to the earth. Over two years, they have created a thriving ecosystem and the land has been completely transformed and rejuvenated. Armeen is very proud of this part of her life, “Reconnecting with and revitalizing this land has given us true meaning in life. We have planted over 700 native trees with so much love, and the forest is now thriving. Watching the forest grow is truly my version of a spiritual experience. I believe that nature heals and spending time in nature is critical for our own health and well-being. This is certainly one of our greatest accomplishments and one of the most fulfilling things we have ever done. Giving back to the land has given us the ultimate balance and changed our lives, mentally, emotionally, and physically.”

    As a holistic lifestyle coach and practitioner, Armeen’s positive outlook and balance-forward ideology has been held in high regard by her followers and supporters. Through her social media avenues she shares her years-long experience of following a holistic lifestyle and sheds light on how to achieve a more fulfilling and healthy life. 

    To know more about her, check out her Instagram accounts and Youtube channel here.

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