May 23 2024: Northeast Region Wildfire Update: Aviation, Forest Fire, and Emergency Services

Wildfire Update

Northeast Fire Region – May 23, 2024, 17:55

Northeast Region

SAULT STE. MARIE – Wildfire Update – By late afternoon on May 23, seven wildland fires were confirmed in the Northeast Region:

  1. Chapleau 3 (CHA003): A 0.2-hectare fire not under control, located approximately 1 kilometer southwest of Beaverflood Lake in Vimy Lake Uplands Conservation Reserve.
  2. Kirkland Lake 1 (KLK001): A 0.7-hectare fire located approximately 12 kilometers east of Englehart, near the intersection of Allen Rd and Concession 4 Ingram. One crew is committed to this fire, which is not under control.
  3. North Bay 4 (NOR004): A 0.4-hectare fire not under control, located approximately 1 kilometer northeast of Jocko Rivers Provincial Park.
  4. North Bay 5 (NOR005): A 6-hectare fire near the east shore of Kerr Lake, currently not under control.
  5. Sudbury 10 (SUD010): A 2-hectare fire located 6 kilometers east of Nairn Centre on the south shore of the Spanish River, not under control and receiving aerial suppression.
  6. Timmins 3 (TIM003): A 7-hectare fire located at the southeast corner of Lower Opikinimika Lake, not under control.
  7. Timmins 4 (TIM004): A 0.1-hectare fire located at the south end of Ellery Lake near Dana-Jowsey Lakes Provincial Park, not under control.

The fire hazard is low across most of the Northeast Region except for a band stretching from Manitoulin to Parry Sound and extending north to Timmins and North Bay, where it ranges from high to extreme.

Follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services reminds the public to use caution when performing any outdoor burning. We encourage using methods such as composting or local landfill disposal for yard waste and woody debris. If burning is necessary, follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations:

  • Fires should be ignited no sooner than two hours before sunset and extinguished no later than two hours after sunrise.
  • Always have adequate tools/water to contain the fire at the site.
  • Consult the full set of Outdoor Burning Regulations for safe outdoor burning.

Report a Wildland Fire

  • To report a wildland fire north of the French and Mattawa rivers, dial 310-FIRE.
  • To report a wildland fire south of the French or Mattawa Rivers, dial 9-1-1.
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