March 23, 2024: Greenstone / Beardmore Weather Outlook – Frosty Mornings and Sunny Skies


Greenstone Beardmore awakens to a bone-chilling -16°C, under the blanket of the early hours. As the day begins, the community is poised for a sunny but cold day, with a significant wind chill effect in play.

Today’s Weather Overview

Current Conditions

The mercury dips to -16.1°C, accompanied by a dew point of -19.9°C, suggesting very dry air. The humidity level stands at 73%, with a light breeze from the NW at 4 km/h, intensifying the cold to a wind chill of -19°C. Visibility and overall weather conditions were not observed, but the pressure at 102.8 kPa is rising, indicating improving weather conditions as the day progresses.

Today’s Forecast

The forecast promises a sunny day, with winds shifting west at 20 km/h later in the morning. Despite the sunshine, the high is expected to reach only -6°C, with the wind chill making it feel as cold as -27°C in the morning and -8°C in the afternoon. The UV index remains low at 2, reflecting the minimal solar intensity.

Tonight, the sky will display just a few clouds, with winds reaching up to 15 km/h. The temperature is set to plummet to a low of -24°C, with an evening wind chill of -10°C worsening to -27°C overnight, underscoring the need for heavy, insulative clothing.

Heading into Sunday, March 24, the sun continues to shine, though cloudiness will increase by the afternoon. Light winds will persist, with daytime highs slightly warmer at -4°C. However, the morning wind chill poses a severe risk of frostbite, reaching -29°C, moderating to -8°C in the afternoon. A moderate UV index of 3 suggests slightly stronger sun exposure.

The night forecasts a 60 percent chance of flurries, with the temperature settling at -13°C, leading into a Monday marked by periods of snow and highs around -8°C, dropping to -11°C at night amid continued snowfall.

Wardrobe Recommendations

Given the extreme cold and risk of frostbite, it’s crucial to dress in layers, starting with a moisture-wicking base layer followed by an insulating middle layer, and a windproof, waterproof outer layer. Mittens, a warm hat, and a scarf or neck gaiter are essential to protect exposed skin, especially in the early morning and late evening.

Weather Trivia

Did you know? The Greenstone region is known for its dramatic weather shifts, particularly in winter, where temperatures can swing drastically, showcasing the area’s rugged natural beauty and the resilience of its residents.

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